Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Comparing the effectiveness of emotion regulation- focused cognitive-behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the backache symptoms and depression and increasing life satisfaction in women suffering from chronic backache with commorbid major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-43]
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The Comparison Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training on Psychological capital in Infertile women [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 81-99]
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The Effectiveness of acceptance and Commitment Therapy on internalized Shame and Sexual self-esteem of Women with Breast Cancer after Mastectomy Surgery [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 184-199]
The effectiveness of group motivational interviewing in reducing emotional eating and anxiety in obese people: the moderator role of impulsiveness [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 44-61]
The Effectiveness of Stress Management Based on Iranian-Islamic Spiritual Therapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 62-80]
The Role of Anxiety and Depression in The Success of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 7-30]
Anxiety Sensitivity
Comparing Personality Traits and Anxiety Sensivity among Patients with and without Psoriasis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 67-82]
The effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy on improving the stress physiological indexes in women with cancer [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 133-145]
Blood Glucose
The effect of stress inoculation training (SIT) on the sense of agency and average weekly fasting blood sugar in diabetic patients [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 31-48]
Children's Physical and Mental Health
The Effects of PATHS Program on Social and Emotional Competence, Neurocognitive and Emotional Mediators, Externalized Disorders and It's Relationship with Children's Physical and Mental Health [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 113-130]
Cognitive Behavior Approach
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral approach on ego strength and communicational patterns among married women with breast cancer [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 49-61]
Cognitive Therapy
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Therapy on somatic symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 52-66]
Cognitive Therapy Based Transtheoretical model
A Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models and meta-cognitive therapy on amount pain and Thoughts FusionIn on patients suffering from chronic pain [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 35-55]
Communicational patterns
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral approach on ego strength and communicational patterns among married women with breast cancer [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 49-61]
Coping Strategies
Predicting Pain Acceptance Based on Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies in individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-166]
The effect of stress inoculation training (SIT) on the sense of agency and average weekly fasting blood sugar in diabetic patients [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 31-48]
Ego Strength
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral approach on ego strength and communicational patterns among married women with breast cancer [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 49-61]
Ego – Strength
The role of Emotional repression and Ego – strength in predicting of smoking and non-smoking in cancer patients [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 7-19]
Emotional eating
The role of the brain's reward system in overweight and obesity: Investigating mediating role of emotional eating in relationship between sensivity to reward and overweight [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-20]
Emotional eating
The effectiveness of group motivational interviewing in reducing emotional eating and anxiety in obese people: the moderator role of impulsiveness [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 44-61]
Emotional repression
The role of Emotional repression and Ego – strength in predicting of smoking and non-smoking in cancer patients [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 7-19]
Emotion regulation-focused cognitive-behaviour therapy
Comparing the effectiveness of emotion regulation- focused cognitive-behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the backache symptoms and depression and increasing life satisfaction in women suffering from chronic backache with commorbid major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-43]
Externalized Behavioral Disorders
The Effects of PATHS Program on Social and Emotional Competence, Neurocognitive and Emotional Mediators, Externalized Disorders and It's Relationship with Children's Physical and Mental Health [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 113-130]
Factor Analysis
Measurement of mental pain: Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis of multidimensional mental pain questionnaire [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 146-172]
Factor Analysis
Measuring Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 83-112]
The Effectiveness of Stress Management Based on Iranian-Islamic Spiritual Therapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 62-80]
Food Addiction
Testing a model of Emotional Eating, , Emotional Dysregulation, Self-Esteem, and Impulsivity in Food Addiction among students [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 132-145]
Health anxiety Inventory
Psychometric Properties of Health Anxiety Inventory in caregiver of Cancer Patients in Shahrekord [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 121-132]
Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) on Enhancement of Hope and Happiness in patients with Cancer [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 131-151]
The effectiveness of group motivational interviewing in reducing emotional eating and anxiety in obese people: the moderator role of impulsiveness [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 44-61]
Testing a model of Emotional Eating, , Emotional Dysregulation, Self-Esteem, and Impulsivity in Food Addiction among students [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 132-145]
The Comparison Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training on Psychological capital in Infertile women [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 81-99]
Internalized Shame
The Effectiveness of acceptance and Commitment Therapy on internalized Shame and Sexual self-esteem of Women with Breast Cancer after Mastectomy Surgery [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 184-199]
Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA)
Measuring Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 83-112]
Iranian-Islamic spiritual therapy
The Effectiveness of Stress Management Based on Iranian-Islamic Spiritual Therapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 62-80]
Irritable Bowe syndrome
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Therapy on somatic symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 52-66]
Key words: Personality traits
Comparing Personality Traits and Anxiety Sensivity among Patients with and without Psoriasis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 67-82]
Life Satisfaction
Comparing the effectiveness of emotion regulation- focused cognitive-behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the backache symptoms and depression and increasing life satisfaction in women suffering from chronic backache with commorbid major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-43]
Logo therapy
investigating the effectiveness of logo therapy on craving and relapse prevention in women with substance dependancy [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 56-73]
Major depressive disorder
Comparing the effectiveness of emotion regulation- focused cognitive-behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the backache symptoms and depression and increasing life satisfaction in women suffering from chronic backache with commorbid major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-43]
The Effectiveness of acceptance and Commitment Therapy on internalized Shame and Sexual self-esteem of Women with Breast Cancer after Mastectomy Surgery [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 184-199]
Mental Pain Scale
Measurement of mental pain: Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis of multidimensional mental pain questionnaire [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 146-172]
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Therapy on somatic symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 52-66]
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Resilince, Emotion Regulation and Life Expectancy among Women with Diabetes2 [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 167-183]
Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison of perceived social support and self-compassion among patients with multiple sclerosis and normal people [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 21-34]
Narrative Exposure Therapy
The effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy on improving the stress physiological indexes in women with cancer [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 133-145]
Neurocognitive Mediators
The Effects of PATHS Program on Social and Emotional Competence, Neurocognitive and Emotional Mediators, Externalized Disorders and It's Relationship with Children's Physical and Mental Health [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 113-130]
The role of the brain's reward system in overweight and obesity: Investigating mediating role of emotional eating in relationship between sensivity to reward and overweight [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-20]
The effectiveness of group motivational interviewing in reducing emotional eating and anxiety in obese people: the moderator role of impulsiveness [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 44-61]
The Effect of a Pilates Exercise Session on Positive Emotions of Obese Women: The Study of the Interaction of Situational Motivation and Perceived Intensity of Exercise to Predict Positive Emotions [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 62-74]
Online health boys
Proponents and Boys to Develop Interaction in Online Health: Psychology approach(study Case: Users and Physicians in the Online Health Community via Telegram Groups) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 20-51]
On-line healthcare
Proponents and Boys to Develop Interaction in Online Health: Psychology approach(study Case: Users and Physicians in the Online Health Community via Telegram Groups) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 20-51]
Online health promotion
Proponents and Boys to Develop Interaction in Online Health: Psychology approach(study Case: Users and Physicians in the Online Health Community via Telegram Groups) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 20-51]
The role of the brain's reward system in overweight and obesity: Investigating mediating role of emotional eating in relationship between sensivity to reward and overweight [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-20]
A Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models and meta-cognitive therapy on amount pain and Thoughts FusionIn on patients suffering from chronic pain [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 35-55]
Comparing the effectiveness of emotion regulation- focused cognitive-behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing the backache symptoms and depression and increasing life satisfaction in women suffering from chronic backache with commorbid major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-43]
Pain Acceptance
Predicting Pain Acceptance Based on Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies in individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-166]
PATHS Program
The Effects of PATHS Program on Social and Emotional Competence, Neurocognitive and Emotional Mediators, Externalized Disorders and It's Relationship with Children's Physical and Mental Health [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 113-130]
Perceived Social Support
Comparison of perceived social support and self-compassion among patients with multiple sclerosis and normal people [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 21-34]
Perceived Social Support
The mediationg role of psychological resilience on the relationship between cognitive appraisal processes and perceived social support with emotional well-being and health behaviors among adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 75-100]
Perceived stress
Predicting Pain Acceptance Based on Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies in individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-166]
Personality Characteristics
Prediction of warning signs of immune deficiency through Psychological Indicators by mediation Personality Characteristics in Nurses [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 74-94]
Physiological symptoms of stress
The effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy on improving the stress physiological indexes in women with cancer [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 133-145]
Pilates practice
The Effect of a Pilates Exercise Session on Positive Emotions of Obese Women: The Study of the Interaction of Situational Motivation and Perceived Intensity of Exercise to Predict Positive Emotions [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 62-74]
Positive Affect
The Effect of a Pilates Exercise Session on Positive Emotions of Obese Women: The Study of the Interaction of Situational Motivation and Perceived Intensity of Exercise to Predict Positive Emotions [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 62-74]
Psychological Capital
The Comparison Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training on Psychological capital in Infertile women [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 81-99]
Psychological Indicators
Prediction of warning signs of immune deficiency through Psychological Indicators by mediation Personality Characteristics in Nurses [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 74-94]
Psychological Symptoms
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Therapy on somatic symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 52-66]
Psychometric properties
Psychometric Properties of Health Anxiety Inventory in caregiver of Cancer Patients in Shahrekord [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 121-132]
Psychometric properties
Measurement of mental pain: Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis of multidimensional mental pain questionnaire [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 146-172]
Psychometric properties
Measuring Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 83-112]
The effectiveness of emotion regulation intervention on resilience and death anxiety of women with breast cancer [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 95-105]
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Resilince, Emotion Regulation and Life Expectancy among Women with Diabetes2 [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 167-183]
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Predicting Pain Acceptance Based on Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies in individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 151-166]
Self -Esteem
Testing a model of Emotional Eating, , Emotional Dysregulation, Self-Esteem, and Impulsivity in Food Addiction among students [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 132-145]
Sensivity to reward
The role of the brain's reward system in overweight and obesity: Investigating mediating role of emotional eating in relationship between sensivity to reward and overweight [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-20]
Sexual Self-Esteem
The Effectiveness of acceptance and Commitment Therapy on internalized Shame and Sexual self-esteem of Women with Breast Cancer after Mastectomy Surgery [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 184-199]
Short-term dynamic psychotherapy
Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) on Enhancement of Hope and Happiness in patients with Cancer [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 131-151]
Short-term dynamic psychotherapy
Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy on Sexual Function and Emotional Expression in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 131-150]
Situational motivation
The Effect of a Pilates Exercise Session on Positive Emotions of Obese Women: The Study of the Interaction of Situational Motivation and Perceived Intensity of Exercise to Predict Positive Emotions [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 62-74]
The role of Emotional repression and Ego – strength in predicting of smoking and non-smoking in cancer patients [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 7-19]
Social and Emotional Competence
The Effects of PATHS Program on Social and Emotional Competence, Neurocognitive and Emotional Mediators, Externalized Disorders and It's Relationship with Children's Physical and Mental Health [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 113-130]
Social Anxiety
Comparision of intolerance of uncertainity and difficulties in emotion regulation in individuals with Body Dysmorphic and Social Anxiety [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 113-130]
Proponents and Boys to Develop Interaction in Online Health: Psychology approach(study Case: Users and Physicians in the Online Health Community via Telegram Groups) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 20-51]
Stress Inoculation Training
The effect of stress inoculation training (SIT) on the sense of agency and average weekly fasting blood sugar in diabetic patients [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 31-48]
Stress Inoculation Training
The Comparison Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training on Psychological capital in Infertile women [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 81-99]
Stress Management
The Effectiveness of Stress Management Based on Iranian-Islamic Spiritual Therapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 62-80]
Structural Equation
The role of gender schemas by mediating fairness style in predicting sexual pain disorder: Study of structural equation model [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 169-190]
Suicide Attempts
Measuring Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 83-112]
Thoughts Fusion
A Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models and meta-cognitive therapy on amount pain and Thoughts FusionIn on patients suffering from chronic pain [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 35-55]
Proponents and Boys to Develop Interaction in Online Health: Psychology approach(study Case: Users and Physicians in the Online Health Community via Telegram Groups) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 20-51]
Women whit Diabetes 2
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Resilince, Emotion Regulation and Life Expectancy among Women with Diabetes2 [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 167-183]