In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. student of psychology, Isfahan University

2 Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Isfahan University

3 Psychometric professor of Isfahan University


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Stress inoculation training (SIT) on the sense of agency and average weekly fasting blood sugar in diabetic patients‌. Method: was quasi-experimental and the population of this study included 2450 diabetic patients in Um Al-Baninn Clinic in Isfahan‌.‌ Among them, 17 women and 9 men were randomly selected and subjected to two experimental groups (10 women and 4 men) and control (5 women and 7 men)‌.‌ The questionnaires the researcher made a weekly average of diabetic blood glucose and a sense of agency before and after intercourse‌.‌ The experimental group received the (SIT) in 6 sessions of 90 minutes weekly, but the control group did not receive this training‌.‌Result: The results of this study showed that the mentioned training significantly increased (p Conclusion: ‌  (SIT) can be used as an effective interventional method for reducing the average weekly fasting blood sugar level and improving the sense of agency of diabetic patients.


Main Subjects

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