Acceptance and commitment group therapy
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on anxiety in multiple sclerosis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 152-167]
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
The predict of psychological well-being based on defense mechanisms and adaptation strategies in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 137-151]
Relationship between Alexithymia and Quality of Life in Patients with Clinical Pain Complain and Healthy People [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 57-68]
Alzheimer’s disease
The Comparison of Descriptive Discourse among Elderlies with Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Elderlies of Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 19-32]
Story therapy effect on reducing anxiety and improvement habits sleep in children with cancer under chemotherapy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-107]
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on anxiety in multiple sclerosis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 152-167]
The Effect of Yoga Yoga Breathing Exercises on chronic Low Pain, Anxiety, Psychological and Physical Well-being of Women with MS [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 109-124]
Validity and reliability of Persian version of sport anxiety scale-2 in children and teenager athletes [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 68-87]
Avoidance coping styles
Predictive effects of avoidance and overcompensation coping styles on general health [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Children s Out-Migration and Loneliness Feeling in Rural Older Parents. [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 99-116]
The impact of Medical Counseling on Stress and Physiological Factors of Coronary Heart Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Cancer-related fatigue
Effectiveness of Cognitive – Behavioral Education in Reduction of Exhaustion of Cancer of Women Suffering from Breast Cancer [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 5-18]
Cardiovascular disease
The impact of Medical Counseling on Stress and Physiological Factors of Coronary Heart Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Chronic Pain
The Role of Psychological Inflexibility and Pain Acceptance in Predicting of Resiliency in Chronic Pain Patients [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 23-38]
Clinical discourse analysis
The Comparison of Descriptive Discourse among Elderlies with Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Elderlies of Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 19-32]
Clinical linguistics
The Comparison of Descriptive Discourse among Elderlies with Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Elderlies of Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 19-32]
Cognitive dissonance
Evaluation of role of personality (behavioral systems) in cognitive dissonance and related physiological components [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 52-68]
Cognitive Emotion Regulation
The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between harm avoidance and psychological well-being in parents of children with cancer [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 7-22]
Cognitive status
Analyzing the effectiveness of treatment techniques of life
Revision on cognitive status of retired men in Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 21-33]
Coping Strategies
The Comparison of Tolerance of Ambiguity, Psychological Capital and Coping Strategies between Cardiac Patients and Healthy People [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 141-152]
Coping Strategies
The predict of psychological well-being based on defense mechanisms and adaptation strategies in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 137-151]
Coronary Heart Disease
An Analysis of well-being psychiatric aspects of tolerance and sense of humour between patients who suffer from coronary artery disease and healthy individuals. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 88-108]
Defense Mechanisms
The predict of psychological well-being based on defense mechanisms and adaptation strategies in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 137-151]
Effectiveness of Meta-Cognitive Therapy on Depression and Rumination in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Path analysis model between spiritual Health, quality of life with depression thalasemia major patients [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 119-134]
Promotion of Psychological Capital Model in Diabetic Patients: An Explanation of the Role of Quality of life. [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 35-51]
Effort-Reward Imbalance
Investigate Effort-Reward Imbalance and Demand-Control-Support Model in Accession of Psychosomatic Symptoms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-44]
The role of disease stage illness perceptions , unmet needs and fatigue in predicting quality of life in patients with cancer [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 117-132]
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B) Scale
Studying the factor analysis and psychometric properties of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - breast (FACT-B) Scale version 4 in women with breast cancer. [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 105-118]
General health
Predictive effects of avoidance and overcompensation coping styles on general health [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire
Evaluation of role of personality (behavioral systems) in cognitive dissonance and related physiological components [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 52-68]
Group cognitive therapy based on mindfulness
The effectiveness of group cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on mental health and quality of life of patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 48-67]
Self-Control And Health: The Moderating effect of Self-Compassion [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 85-98]
Health Related of Quality of Life
Studying the factor analysis and psychometric properties of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - breast (FACT-B) Scale version 4 in women with breast cancer. [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Title: Evaluation of the effect of hypnosis on the pain reduction in burn dressing change [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 108-118]
Comparing the Relation between Spiritual Growth and Perceived Stress With Happiness among Fertile and Infertile Women of Tehran City [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Job Content
Investigate Effort-Reward Imbalance and Demand-Control-Support Model in Accession of Psychosomatic Symptoms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-44]
Job stress
Investigate Effort-Reward Imbalance and Demand-Control-Support Model in Accession of Psychosomatic Symptoms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-44]
Key words: Mindfulness
Comparing Mindfulness and Self-regulation in Women with Non-cardiac Chest Pain and normal in Tehran City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 69-84]
Medical counseling
The impact of Medical Counseling on Stress and Physiological Factors of Coronary Heart Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Mental Health
The effectiveness of group cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on mental health and quality of life of patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 48-67]
Meta-Cognitive Therapy
Effectiveness of Meta-Cognitive Therapy on Depression and Rumination in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Children s Out-Migration and Loneliness Feeling in Rural Older Parents. [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 99-116]
The effectiveness of combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies on mindfulness, resiliency and quality of life in patients with chronic pain [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 69-86]
Moderator effect
Self-Control And Health: The Moderating effect of Self-Compassion [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 85-98]
The Effect of Yoga Yoga Breathing Exercises on chronic Low Pain, Anxiety, Psychological and Physical Well-being of Women with MS [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 109-124]
Multiple Sclerosis
The Effect of Mindfulness Integrated Behavior- Cognitive Therapy on psychological well-being and quality of life among multiple sclerosis patients. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 34-47]
Multiple Sclerosis
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on anxiety in multiple sclerosis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 152-167]
Non-cardiac chest pain
Comparing Mindfulness and Self-regulation in Women with Non-cardiac Chest Pain and normal in Tehran City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 69-84]
Overcompensation coping styles
Predictive effects of avoidance and overcompensation coping styles on general health [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Relationship between Alexithymia and Quality of Life in Patients with Clinical Pain Complain and Healthy People [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 57-68]
Title: Evaluation of the effect of hypnosis on the pain reduction in burn dressing change [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 108-118]
Pain Acceptance
The Role of Psychological Inflexibility and Pain Acceptance in Predicting of Resiliency in Chronic Pain Patients [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 23-38]
The impact of Medical Counseling on Stress and Physiological Factors of Coronary Heart Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 39-50]
Perceived stress
Comparing the Relation between Spiritual Growth and Perceived Stress With Happiness among Fertile and Infertile Women of Tehran City [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Physiological components
Evaluation of role of personality (behavioral systems) in cognitive dissonance and related physiological components [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 52-68]
Psych educational interventions
The effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions on the improvement of psychological well-being in patients with cancer [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 79-92]
Psychological Capital
The Comparison of Tolerance of Ambiguity, Psychological Capital and Coping Strategies between Cardiac Patients and Healthy People [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 141-152]
Psychological Capital
Promotion of Psychological Capital Model in Diabetic Patients: An Explanation of the Role of Quality of life. [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 35-51]
Psychological Inflexibility
The Role of Psychological Inflexibility and Pain Acceptance in Predicting of Resiliency in Chronic Pain Patients [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 23-38]
Psychosomatic Symptoms
Investigate Effort-Reward Imbalance and Demand-Control-Support Model in Accession of Psychosomatic Symptoms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-44]
Quality of Life
Relationship between Alexithymia and Quality of Life in Patients with Clinical Pain Complain and Healthy People [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 57-68]
Quality of Life
The Effect of Mindfulness Integrated Behavior- Cognitive Therapy on psychological well-being and quality of life among multiple sclerosis patients. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 34-47]
Quality of Life
The effectiveness of group cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on mental health and quality of life of patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 48-67]
Quality of Life
The role of disease stage illness perceptions , unmet needs and fatigue in predicting quality of life in patients with cancer [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 117-132]
Quality of Life
Path analysis model between spiritual Health, quality of life with depression thalasemia major patients [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 119-134]
Quality of Life
Promotion of Psychological Capital Model in Diabetic Patients: An Explanation of the Role of Quality of life. [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 35-51]
Validity and reliability of Persian version of sport anxiety scale-2 in children and teenager athletes [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 68-87]
Compare the Attribution styles, Spiritual experiences, and Resilience of women with breast cancer and healthy women [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 5-20]
An Analysis of well-being psychiatric aspects of tolerance and sense of humour between patients who suffer from coronary artery disease and healthy individuals. [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 88-108]
Retired elderlies
Analyzing the effectiveness of treatment techniques of life
Revision on cognitive status of retired men in Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 21-33]
Self-Control And Health: The Moderating effect of Self-Compassion [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 85-98]
Self- regulation
Comparing Mindfulness and Self-regulation in Women with Non-cardiac Chest Pain and normal in Tehran City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 69-84]
Sport anxiety
Validity and reliability of Persian version of sport anxiety scale-2 in children and teenager athletes [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 68-87]
Story therapy
Story therapy effect on reducing anxiety and improvement habits sleep in children with cancer under chemotherapy [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Treatment techniques of life revision
Analyzing the effectiveness of treatment techniques of life
Revision on cognitive status of retired men in Tehran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 21-33]
Validity and reliability of Persian version of sport anxiety scale-2 in children and teenager athletes [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 68-87]
The Effect of Yoga Yoga Breathing Exercises on chronic Low Pain, Anxiety, Psychological and Physical Well-being of Women with MS [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 109-124]