In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of psychology ,Payam Noor university Tehran . Iran

2 PhD student of Psychology, Payam Noor University,Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Educational Research, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Objective: Reviewing memories in a Verbal or non-verbal ways is a type of interpersonal communication that elderlies or patients with cognitive disorders by expressing their feelings find an opportunity for social and professional interactions. The purpose of this study is analyzing the effectiveness of treatment techniques of life revision on cognitive status of retired men in Tehran.
Method: The population of this research contains retired men who are going to Buali Park in Tehran. Among these people, we selected 30 of them who were interested in participating in the study and their adjustment score were average and low, they were randomly selected and divided into experimental and control groups (each group 15 members). Both groups answered the MMSE criteria before and after the training course.
Results: Covariance analysis showed that there is a significant difference between mean of experimental and control groups. Therefore the method of treatment techniques of life revision on cognitive status of retired men in Tehran was effective.
Conclusion: Life revision is a treatment process that helps retired people to reflect their events and experiences in the past with pleasure and joy and reach to a mental stability.  


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