Rozita Goharshahi; Abdollah Mafakheri; mohammad mohammadipour
Objective: Eating disorders are one of the common mental and psychosomatic disorders that cause many problems in the physical health and mental performance of a person. Many people with bulimia have mental rumination regarding their body type. Patients who engage in mental rumination consider it a way ...
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Objective: Eating disorders are one of the common mental and psychosomatic disorders that cause many problems in the physical health and mental performance of a person. Many people with bulimia have mental rumination regarding their body type. Patients who engage in mental rumination consider it a way to gain insight into their problem and through it they focus on themselves, the problematic situation and their feelings. In other words, they think that mental rumination helps them to solve their problems, while answering problems through mental rumination causes more tension and problems. On the other hand, self-acceptance in these people is lower than others. A person with low agreeableness tends to seek isolation and is afraid of and avoids communication with others. The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of therapeutic schema training in comparison with acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) with self-acceptance and rumination in women with diabetes and anorexia nervosa. Method: This is a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group with a two-month follow-up. The statistical population was all women with simultaneous disorder of diabetes and psychogenic anorexia in Mashhad city in the first half of 1402 who had referred to medical centers. 45 people were selected by purposeful sampling and randomly divided into three groups: schema therapy (15 people), acceptance and commitment therapy (15 people) and control group (15 people). Chamberland and Haga (2001) questionnaire was used to evaluate self-efficacy, and Trinoor et al. The therapeutic schema experimental group underwent the educational package intervention of Yang et al. (2003) and the acceptance and commitment experimental group underwent the therapeutic intervention of Hizo colleagues (2012) for ten one-hour sessions. The data was analyzed by the statistical method of analysis of variance with repeated measurements. Results: The results showed that the intervention of therapeutic schema and acceptance and commitment is effective on mental rumination (P<0.01), (F=29.63) and self-acceptance (P<0.01), (F=49.83) and this The effect is stable in the follow-up phase. The results of Shefe's follow-up test showed that there is a significant difference in self-acceptance and rumination between the two groups of acceptance and commitment and therapeutic schema (P<0.05); Therefore, acceptance and commitment have had a greater effect on reducing rumination and increasing women's self-acceptance. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that by teaching psychological treatment approaches such as schema and acceptance and commitment therapy, women can be helped in controlling diabetes and preventing their nervous overeating. Also, by controlling binge eating, they can be protected from the side effects of physical, psychological and social damage of binge eating, and thus have healthier mothers and a healthier society.
Somayyeh Esmaili; Mansooreh Nikoogoftar; seddigheh yaghoobi; raziye nazari
Objective: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the most psychologically affecting cancer among women all over the world. This disease has profound effects on women's various functions in life and causes deep emotional and emotional problems in them. The purpose of this research was to investigate ...
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Objective: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the most psychologically affecting cancer among women all over the world. This disease has profound effects on women's various functions in life and causes deep emotional and emotional problems in them. The purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating role of coping strategies and resilience in the relationship between stressful life events and positive and negative emotions in women with breast cancer. Method: The current research project is a correlational study. The statistical population included all women with breast cancer who referred to the breast clinic of Ibn Sina Hospital in Tehran in 2019-2019. A total of 217 people were included in the study using available sampling method. In order to collect research data, Lazarus and Folkman (1985) Coping Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), Khodayari Fard's Stressful Life Events Questionnaire (2016), and Watson's Positive and Negative Affect Questionnaire (1988) were used. Data analysis was done with SPSS and AMOS software. Path analysis was used to investigate the mediating effect of each of the variables of coping and emotional strategies and resilience on positive and negative emotions. Results: Resilience and coping skills had a significant mediating role between stressful life events and positive and negative emotions. Based on the fitted model (GFI=0.93, CFI=0.920, CMIN/DF=5.4), about 88% of changes in positive affect and 29% of changes in negative affect were explained by predictor variables entered into the model. . The indirect relationship of stressful life events through coping strategies with positive emotion (z = -7.03, β = -0.193)and with negative emotion (z = 4.73, z = 166, 0.001) β = 0.00) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. Also, the indirect relationship of stressful life events through emotional strategies with positive affect (z = -6.57, β = -0.168) and with negative affect (z = 3.27, 0.001) β = 0.093) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events through emotional coping strategies had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. In addition, the indirect relationship of stressful life events through resilience with positive affect (z = -5.36, β = -0.199) and with negative affect (z = -0.002, 3.02) z, β = 0.07) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events through resilience had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. Conclusion: Stress management training in women with cancer is very important and training them to use appropriate coping strategies to reduce negative emotions is an important step. Also, educational interventions regarding the promotion of resilience skills after primary cancer treatment are necessary.
Hassan Shafiei
Objective: Substance use disorders are characterized by a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems. Given the high likelihood of relapse, addiction is considered a chronic ...
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Objective: Substance use disorders are characterized by a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems. Given the high likelihood of relapse, addiction is considered a chronic relapsing disorder, and relapse among individuals in recovery is a significant concern. One factor that can play a significant role in preventing relapse and enhancing coping abilities is quit addiction self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to abstain from substance use and improve their quality of life. Individuals with high self-efficacy are more likely to cope with life challenges and less likely to relapse. Among the factors influencing addiction recovery self-efficacy, sexual satisfaction and sexual problems are noteworthy. Sexual dissatisfaction among individuals with substance use disorders can lead to marital problems and decreased sexual desire. Research has shown that substance use negatively impacts sexual functioning, and sexual problems are a significant reason for relapse. These problems can further reduce quit addiction self-efficacy and non-adherence to treatment in married individuals with substance use disorders. Therefore, sexual satisfaction and sexual problems may play a crucial role in predicting quit addiction self-efficacy among married individuals with substance use disorders. Given the limited research. in this area, the present study aims to investigate the role of psychological sexual problems and sexual satisfaction in predicting quit addiction self-efficacy among married men with substance use disorders in Markazi Province. Method: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of psychosexual problems and sexual satisfaction in predicting quit addiction self-efficacy in Central Province. The statistical population of the study included all opiate addicted men who referred to Markazi province addiction treatment camps, and 377 married addicts were selected using convenience sampling using the Cochran sample size estimation formula. In order to measure the research variables, Snell,Fisher and Walters’ Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire (1993), Bramson’s quit addiction self-efficacy questionnaire (1999) and Larson (1998) sexual satisfaction questionnaires were used. Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that there is a positive relationship between sexual satisfaction, internal sexual control and quit addiction self-efficacy, and there is a significant negative relationship between sexual anxiety, Sexual Self-Monitoring, sexual depression and sexual assertiveness and quit addiction self-efficacy in addicts. The results of regression analysis showed that 24% of the variance of quit addiction self-efficacy in addicts can be predicted based on internal sexual control, sexual satisfaction, sexual depression positively and sexual anxiety, sexual assertiveness and sexual monitoring negatively. Marital sexual satisfaction, sexual esteem, sexual preoccupation, sexual consciousness, sexual motivation, external sexual control and fear of sexual relationships could not. Conclusion: This study aimed to investigate the role of psychological dimensions of sexual problems and sexual satisfaction in predicting addiction recovery self-efficacy. Results indicated that internal sexual control, sexual satisfaction, and sexual depression positively predicted quit addiction self-efficacy, while sexual anxiety, sexual assertiveness, and sexual self-monitoring negatively predicted it. In this research, increased sexual satisfaction and internal sexual control led to higher self-efficacy for quitting addiction, whereas sexual anxiety and sexual self-monitoring resulted in lower self-efficacy. Additionally, variables such as marital sexual satisfaction, sexual esteem, sexual preoccupation, and fear of sexual intimacy were unable to predict quit addiction self-efficacy. This research emphasizes the importance of sex education and therapeutic interventions for sexual problems in addiction treatment centers and suggests conducting similar studies in other provinces with larger samples. Limitations of the study include its cross-sectional design, the use of self-report questionnaires, cultural challenges in reporting sexual issues, and the limited sample to married men attending addiction treatment centers in Markazi Province.
sahar ehsani; hadi bahrami ehsan; azam noferesti
Objective: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake disorder was added as a new disorder to DSM-5 in 2013 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). ARFID is a disorder consisting of three distinct and non-exclusive states: (a) selectivity of foods based on sensory characteristics (e.g., food neophobia), (b) ...
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Objective: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake disorder was added as a new disorder to DSM-5 in 2013 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). ARFID is a disorder consisting of three distinct and non-exclusive states: (a) selectivity of foods based on sensory characteristics (e.g., food neophobia), (b) limited interest in eating or lack of appetite., desire and (c) fear of bad consequences for eating such as choking, vomiting, or gastrointestinal pain. From an etiological perspective, recent literature in the field of developmental psychopathology framework has emphasized that ARFID is a serious problem in childhood that may be associated with psychological factors such as problems in the child, his mother, as well as low quality of parent-child feeding interaction. In the field of ARFID disorder, it was shown in the study of nutritional interaction that the mother-child couple has specific problems in the fields related to creating a joint activity, interactive mistakes and solving them during the activities, family intimacy, emotional experience of the child and participation. Children had self-regulation (Losserli et al., 2017). Dysfunctional family interactions are a critical issue that emphasizes the importance of detailed diagnostic evaluation in order to target effective treatment. The family drawing test as a useful method allows the specialist to gain children's understanding and awareness of themselves and their parents. Family drawing is considered as an optional tool for examining children's mental representation of attachment to parents and interaction with them, along with the concepts of developmental psychology. Method: The basic issue is investigating the relationship between the components of mother-child interaction in children with avoidant/restrictive eating disorder and the drawing signs of the family drawing test. The statistical population of this research was children aged 4 to 7 years old in Tehran who visited health centers and were diagnosed with ARFID based on DSM-5 criteria. The symptoms of these people were confirmed by the nutritionist and doctor of health centers. After identifying the study subjects under the supervision of experts and confirming the symptoms of ARFID disorder, mother and child interactions were analyzed using family drawings. ARFID symptoms were assessed in these children using the nine-item Parental Screening Scale for Restrictive/Avoidant Eating Disorder (NIAS-PR). The original version has been translated into Persian for the current study and has been approved by psychology professors. After that, the child's parent questionnaire was given to the mother to complete and the child was asked to draw a picture of the family. Also, variables related to family, pregnancy and newborn were measured separately. Results: The symptoms of ARFID disorder were investigated in these children and the results showed that 83% of these children have severe to moderate weight loss and 3 children had normal weight, which has been shown in other studies. In addition, sensitivity to smell and sensitivity to food texture were 61% and 66%, respectively. Also, the two main symptoms of decreased appetite and avoidance of food in these children were 83 and 72%. In the next step, children's drawings were evaluated and coded. In fact, based on Kaplan and Main's (1986) and Fury's (1996) checklists, the semiotics of interaction elements in the painting were examined and then a coding checklist was prepared. The children's drawings were examined based on the prepared checklist and the frequency of the determined codes was determined based on that. The results of the research showed that the relationship between mother-child conflict and exclusion of mother, exclusion of father and exclusion of siblings is positive and significant; This means that the higher the conflict between the mother and the child, the more the child excludes his mother, father or siblings in his drawing. Also, the relationship between the conflict between mother and child and the right to give priority in painting was positive and meaningful; In fact, the child is more likely to paint himself first (in fact, the only member of the family who is painted is the child himself). The two factors of mother's exclusion and father's exclusion had a significant negative relationship with mother-child closeness, in the sense that the less intimate the relationship between mother and child is, the more mother-father exclusion occurs. Finally, the child's dependence on the mother, which was a negative factor in the mother-child interaction, had a significant positive relationship with the removal of the father and the removal of siblings. Conclusion: Dysfunctional family interactions are a critical issue identified for diagnostic evaluation to determine treatment. One of the practical tools that can be used in the study of the child's problems is drawing the family, because the family is the child's world and it shows the problems in the family's problems and behaviors with him in the drawing. In this research, it was shown that the factors related to the mother-child conflict can be seen in children's drawings with the consumption of restrictive-distancing food.Among these factors, I can mention the removal of the mother, the removal of the father, the removal of siblings, not painting the painting, prioritizing oneself in the painting, which was in line with the researches of Prokasia et al. (2014) and Leon et al. (2007). The results of the study by Balaruto et al. (2021) showed that there is a significant relationship between the quality of mother and toddler nutrition interaction and children's weight. Underweight children showed less demand for independence and cooperation than normal weight children. In addition, mothers of underweight children were less sensitive than mothers of normal-weight children to toddlers' cues that they wanted to stop interacting and demands for autonomy. In this research, it was shown that in children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake disorder, the interaction with the mother has deficiencies, and it is suggested to use interaction-based therapy to treat this disorder. In this research, like other researches, there were limitations. It was the first access to samples. The second case was the use of a self-reporting tool, which may have been influenced by the mother. It also included samples from middle to high social strata, which is suggested to be used in future researches from poor socio-economic group as well.
Ahmad ali Nematpour darzi; sajjad basharpoor; Dariush Moslemi
Objective: Cancer is one of the diseases that is the cause of many deaths in the world today, and it is also one of the types of chronic diseases that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery Training is a specific intervention to improve the psychological problems ...
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Objective: Cancer is one of the diseases that is the cause of many deaths in the world today, and it is also one of the types of chronic diseases that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery Training is a specific intervention to improve the psychological problems of cancer patients, therefore the purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery Training on catastrophizing the perceived pain and stress of cancer patients. Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all cancer patients who were diagnosed with cancer in 2021 at Shahid Rajaei Center in Babolsar city. The study sample of 30 people was selected through purposive sampling and randomly divided into two groups of 15 people (control group of 15 people and experimental group of 15 people). The experimental group was trained in Carlson and Speka's Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery, which was held in the form of 8 sessions of 90 minutes and held once a week. The pain catastrophizing questionnaire of Sullivan et al. (1995) and the perceived stress scale of Cohen, Kamrak and Mermelstein (1983) were used to collect data. The obtained data were analyzed using multivariate covariance analysis in SPSS 27 software. Results: Before performing covariance analysis, its assumptions were first tested.Accordingly, by examining the results of the Shapiro-Wilk test, it was found that the sample distribution of the data in the variables of positive perception of stress, negative perception of stress and catastrophizing of pain is normal.To check the homogeneity of variances, Levine's test was used for the variable of pain catastrophizing (p>0.05; F=0.004) and the variable of perceived stress (p>0.05; F=0.074). The results showed that the assumption of equality of variances of two groups is maintained at the community level.In this regard, the box test also confirmed the assumption of homogeneity of variance and covariance of the two groups (p>0.05; F=1.136). The results of multivariate covariance analysis showed that after controlling for pre-test effects, there was a significant difference between the average scores of the two experimental and control groups in the variables of pain catastrophizing and perceived stress (p<0.05). Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that the healing of cancer based on mindfulness is a desirable and suitable intervention to influence the catastrophizing of pain and perceived stress of cancer patients.
Gholamreza Talebi; Hasan Rezayi Jamaloui; Reza Bagherian Sararodi; Hamidreza Oreyzi; Pegah Bagherian-Sararoudi
Objective: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality. From its diagnosis to treatment and potential recurrence, it significantly impacts the quality of life and life satisfaction of patients. In fact, breast cancer influences patients' ...
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Objective: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality. From its diagnosis to treatment and potential recurrence, it significantly impacts the quality of life and life satisfaction of patients. In fact, breast cancer influences patients' lifestyles and presents numerous challenges. Unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with cancer are inevitably confronted with their own mortality. Consequently, death anxiety is evident among these patients, often resulting in an abnormal fear of death accompanied by feelings of panic and dread. Following a cancer diagnosis, women frequently experience intense psychological reactions, one of which is the sensation of being close to death. Today, death anxiety is recognized as a critical psychological factor in cancer patients. Moreover, breast cancer reduces distress tolerance in affected individuals. The psychological distress caused by cancer is a specific emotional discomfort experienced temporarily or permanently by individuals in response to particular stressors and harmful demands. Given the significance of this condition, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of meaning-centered group therapy on death attitudes and distress tolerance in women with breast cancer. Method: In this quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest and follow-up design with control group, 36 women with breast cancer and death anxiety were selected through convenience sampling from Sayed al-Shohada Hospital and the Ala Cancer Prevention and Control Center in Isfahan during 2020–2021. They were randomly assigned to an experimental group (18 participants) and a control group (18 participants). The experimental group underwent eight weekly 90-minute sessions of meaning-centered group therapy. Data were collected using the Templer Death Anxiety Scale (1970), Wong et al.'s Death Attitudes Profile (1994), and the Simons and Gaher Distress Tolerance Scale (2005) at three stages: pretest, posttest, and follow-up. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA with SPSS-23 software. Results: The results indicated that meaning-centered group therapy significantly improved death attitudes and distress tolerance in the experimental group (P < 0.01). Conclusion: It appears that meaning-centered group therapy positively impacts death attitudes and distress tolerance in women with breast cancer. In Meaning-Centered Therapy, by revisiting the definition of suffering and hardship, individuals are encouraged to seek life-affirming meaning when facing life’s difficulties and challenges, enabling them to cope with these hardships in a constructive manner. If a person successfully finds meaning in the bitter and discouraging events of life, they will be able to endure its adversities. Meaning-Centered Therapy emphasizes the freedom of the human spirit, asserting that individuals are not governed by deterministic laws. Humans have the right to choose their attitude toward any given situation. Decision-making is left to the individual, and no external factor has the power to dictate how one thinks or behaves in the face of unchangeable circumstances. Individuals are always responsible for their actions and words. Consequently, the perspective one adopts toward issues and difficulties is of paramount importance in this therapeutic approach. Meaning-Centered Therapy aims to foster a meaning-oriented outlook in individuals when confronted with hardships. Therefore, it is evident that Meaning-Centered Therapy can influence an individual’s attitude toward difficulties and challenges, enhancing their capacity to tolerate distress. Therefore, it is recommended to use meaning-centered therapy to support women with breast cancer experiencing death anxiety.
Haniyeh Khosh; Vahid SadeghiFiroozabadi; Mohsen Dehghani; Ali Khatibi; AbdolReza Nasser Moghaddasi; vahid Abdolmanafi
Objective: This study aimed to explore the role of executive functions in moderating the relationship between medication adherence and depression among individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system, and both cognitive and emotional factors can ...
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Objective: This study aimed to explore the role of executive functions in moderating the relationship between medication adherence and depression among individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system, and both cognitive and emotional factors can significantly influence how patients adhere to treatment plans. Medication adherence is crucial for disease management, and depression is a common comorbidity in MS patients, often complicating adherence. Understanding the relationship between depression, cognitive functions, and treatment adherence can help improve therapeutic outcomes. Method: This research was conducted as a descriptive-correlational study, targeting MS patients residing in Tehran. The sample consisted of 229 participants, selected through convenience sampling. These individuals completed three standardized questionnaires: the Beck Depression Inventory (second edition, 2005), the Executive Function Questionnaire by Najafi et al. (2014), and the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (2008). Data collection was done through a paper-and-pencil survey method. To analyze the data, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to examine relationships between variables, and stepwise regression analysis was performed to determine if executive functions moderate the relationship between depression and medication adherence. Results: The study found that depressive symptoms were a significant predictor of poor medication adherence in MS patients (p<0.01). This suggests that patients with higher levels of depression are more likely to struggle with adhering to their treatment regimens. Additionally, executive functions such as memory, planning, and social cognition were found to significantly predict medication adherence (p<0.01). These cognitive abilities likely help patients better manage their treatment schedules and follow medical instructions. However, the study did not find evidence supporting the role of executive functions as a moderator in the relationship between depressive symptoms and medication adherence (p>0.01). This indicates that while cognitive abilities and depression are related to medication adherence, executive functions do not appear to change the strength or direction of the relationship between depression and adherence. Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of both depressive symptoms and executive functions in influencing medication adherence in MS patients. Given that poor medication adherence can lead to worse health outcomes, addressing both cognitive and emotional barriers to treatment is critical. Healthcare providers should consider these factors when designing treatment plans for MS patients. For example, interventions aimed at improving executive functions, such as memory and planning, as well as addressing depression, may be beneficial. By targeting both cognitive and emotional challenges, providers can help patients better adhere to their treatment regimens, which could ultimately improve disease prognosis and quality of life. Furthermore, healthcare teams should be aware of the multifaceted nature of treatment adherence and incorporate psychological and cognitive assessments into routine care to ensure comprehensive support for MS patients. In conclusion, while executive functions may not moderate the relationship between depression and adherence, they are still crucial in predicting adherence, suggesting that an integrated approach to treatment planning is vital for enhancing medication compliance in MS patients.
Majid Yousefi Afrashteh; masome moradi; Leila Rahmandel
Objective: The number of postmenopausal women worldwide is increasing, and it is expected to reach 1.1 billion by 2030. Menopause can be considered an inevitable stage of life and is associated with physiological, psychological, and social changes. This significant life event can directly and indirectly ...
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Objective: The number of postmenopausal women worldwide is increasing, and it is expected to reach 1.1 billion by 2030. Menopause can be considered an inevitable stage of life and is associated with physiological, psychological, and social changes. This significant life event can directly and indirectly impact sexual function and quality of life. Increased perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological hardiness can lead to higher sexual function and quality of life. Additionally, there are mediating variables between perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological hardiness that affect the quality of life and sexual function of postmenopausal women. One of these mediating variables is attitudes toward menopause, which has not been studied in previous research in this manner. The present study aims to investigate these relationships. Given the importance of quality of life and sexual function in menopausal women, this research seeks to examine several variables related to quality of life and sexual function in women. In this regard, the mediating variable of attitude is expected to help explain this relationship. Method: This study is applied in terms of its objectives and correlational in terms of its method, specifically path analysis. The statistical population of this study consisted of 368 postmenopausal women (aged 45-60) in Zanjan in 2021. Using a cluster sampling method, a number of health centers were first selected, and then postmenopausal women who met the inclusion criteria were entered into the study using an available sampling method. Results: Of the participants, 186 individuals (64%) were aged 50-55. Additionally, 65 participants (22%) were between 56 and 60 years old, while 42
participants (14%) were aged 61-65. Regarding education, 10 participants (37%) held a high school diploma, 93 participants (32%) had less than a high school diploma, 52 participants (18%) had a bachelor's degree, and 38 participants (13%) held a postgraduate degree. In terms of employment status, 204 participants (70%) were unemployed, and 89 participants (30%) were employed. Finally, concerning According to Table 1, all Pearson correlation coefficients between variables are statistically significant at a p-value less than 0.05.
According to the results of path analysis, 0.86 of the variance of sexual performance is explained by the predictor variables in the model, and the criterion variable of sexual performance has four direct effects of perceived social support (β = 0.19), mental toughness (19. β=0), self-compassion (β=0.13) and menopause attitude (β=0.13). Also, 0.76 of the variance of the quality of life is explained by the predictor variables of the model, and the quality of life variable has four direct effects of perceived social support (β=0.23), mental toughness (β=0.23), self-compassion. Exercise (β = 0.19) and attitude towards menopause (β = 0.20) were entered. To investigate the mediating role of menopause attitude in the relationship between perceived social support, mental toughness and self-compassion with sexual performance and quality of life, the method of indirect paths was used, and the results are reported in Table 3. Based on the results of Table 3, the mediating role of attitude towards menopause in the relationship between perceived social support, self-compassion with quality of life and sexual performance was confirmed, but the mediation of attitude towards menopause in the relationship between mental toughness and quality of life and sexual performance was not confirmed. Conclusion: The quality of life and sexual function in postmenopausal women is an increasingly important research topic, especially given the growing population of women entering menopause each year. This study examined the impact of perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological resilience on quality of life and sexual function in postmenopausal women, mediated by attitudes toward menopause. Results indicated that perceived social support, self-compassion, psychological resilience, and attitudes toward menopause had a direct and significant effect on the quality of life and sexual function of postmenopausal women. Furthermore, perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological resilience had an indirect effect on quality of life and sexual function through attitudes toward menopause.
Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi
Objective: Sexual health is recognized as one of the important components of human rights in the international community and every human has the right to achieve the highest level of sexual health. Most of the diseases and disorders all over the world are caused by not paying enough attention to sexual ...
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Objective: Sexual health is recognized as one of the important components of human rights in the international community and every human has the right to achieve the highest level of sexual health. Most of the diseases and disorders all over the world are caused by not paying enough attention to sexual health. In this regard, one of the important and effective actions is the design and construction of authentic and localized tools. One of reasons that highlight the applied necessity of this research is the application of this instrument by Iranian couple therapists for detection of clients` strengths and weakness regarding to sexual-marital dimensions. Detection of these dimensions by this scale pave the way for interventional researches in the field of improvement of Iranian marital relationships. Therefore, it is complete necessary to investigate sexual issues even without existence of special disorder in sexual relationships for promotion of quality of couples relationship and prevention of occurrence of disorder in the field of sexual and marital issues. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the construction, validation and standardization of Iranian Sexual-Marital Relationships Quality Scale. Method: The present study was a descriptive correlational study. After scale construction, this research investigated in two separate studies. Statistical population was composed of all volunteer and convenient couples resident in Tehran city. Enter circumstances to sample was included passing at least on year of marital life, participants use of vaginal intercourse in sexual relations, no infection to chronic diseases including diabetes, to be literate, without drug abuse, no existence of acute mental problems and receiving psychological treatments and presenting written consent. Designing and constructing of research was done in three phases. In the first phase, after determining and designing scale subject, definitions of it`s fields represented and sexual-marital relationships investigated. According to theoretical studies and internal and external literature reviews, quality of sextual relations were defined into eight components. In the second phase, according to theoretical bases and professions comments, ultimately 90 items questionnaire was designed and give to experts. In order to investigate of scale content validity, the list of items made available to psychologists and sexual psychologists specialists. Items that received 80% specialists confirmation, remained in list and other items that refused or don`t confirm were deleted. In the third phase, scale conducted on the number of married students and some items were deleted because of weak correlation coefficient with other items. Finally, final scale with 40 items and five-point Likert scale constructed and investigated for measuring quality of sexual-marital in Iranian couples population. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with the help of SPSS-22 and LISREL-8.5 software. Results: In the first study, average age of women and men was respectively 34/26 and 40/75 and average length of marriage was 12 years. In the second study, average age of women and men was respectively 34/97 and 36/29 and length of marriage was 7/5 years. Most of participants in every two studies had Bachelor`s degree and most of women were housekeeper and most of men had freelance job. The results showed that the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha has a desirable fit for the whole scale and each of the factors. In addition, exploratory factor analysis revealed six factors including acquaintance to anatomy and sexual cycles, effective problem solving and communication, dysfunctional beliefs and negative self-talk, emotional-sexual discourse and intimacy, skills in touching non-sexual areas and improving sexual skills that altogether explained 54.6% of the total variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable fitness in determining the factors. Conclusion: The present study showed that the instrument designed in Iranian samples has sufficient reliability, validity and fitness. Therefore, it is recommended that this instrument can be used to measure the quality of sexual-marital relationships in researches and therapeutic interventions.
Najmeh Hamid; Asghar Mohamadzadeh; Kumars Beshlideh
Objective: Today, obesity is known as a chronic disease and is a risk factor for many diseases such as diabetes, blood lipid disorders, liver disease and heart diseases. Overweight or obesity is actually a weight that is higher than what is defined as a healthy weight index. The aim of the present study ...
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Objective: Today, obesity is known as a chronic disease and is a risk factor for many diseases such as diabetes, blood lipid disorders, liver disease and heart diseases. Overweight or obesity is actually a weight that is higher than what is defined as a healthy weight index. The aim of the present study was to study the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation therapy on self-efficacy and body image in overweight patients. The research method of the current research was experimental and pre-test-post-test type with a control group. Method: The method of the current research was experimental and pre-test-post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all overweight and obese patients in Ahvaz city in 2018, By the available sampling method and taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, inclusion criteria: 1- Being overweight or obese (body mass index above 25) 2- Age range from 20 to 50 years 3- Diploma education and above 4- Not suffering from acute mental and physical disorders (psychosis and mental retardation) 5- Obtaining a standard deviation less than the average in the efficiency and body image scale and the exclusion criteria include: 1- pregnancy 2- use of a heart battery or pacemaker 3- use of transcranial electrical stimulation 4- scratches and wounds on the skin Head 5- Brain surgery 9- Electroshock therapy (ECT) has been used in the last three months. finally, 63 women were selected as sample members and 40 subjects were randomly selected. They were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Research instruments included body image scale (Littleton) and self-efficacy scale (Clark). After the initial assessment, the experimental group received three sessions of DLPFC anodic stimulation tthirteens 20-minute sessions twice a week, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS-21 software by multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in efficiency and body image. In terms of efficiency (F=124.4, P<0.000) with an effect size of 0.89 and body image (F=6.9, P<0.000) with an effect size of 0.32. The level of self-efficacy in the experimental group increased significantly compared to the pre-test and the control group. Also, the level of fear of body image in the experimental group decreased significantly compared to the pre-test and the control group. These results have shown that transcranial electrical stimulation has been effective on self-efficacy and body image in overweight and obese patients. Transcranial electrical stimulation has increased self-efficacy and reduced fear of body image. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that transcranial electrical stimulation (tDCS) can be useful and efficient for the treatment of overweight and obesity and can be used as interventions in nutrition, psychology and counseling clinics.