Bahareh Mirahmadi; Massoud Lavasani; Ahmed Alipour; Gholam Ali Afrooz
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the family-oriented program on psychological distress and adherence to treatment in people with diabetes and hypertension. Method: The present study was a semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design with a control group ...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the family-oriented program on psychological distress and adherence to treatment in people with diabetes and hypertension. Method: The present study was a semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design with a control group and a three-month follow-up. 40 people with diabetes and hypertension were selected to enter the study. Then, 40 volunteers participating in the research and eligible to enter the research were randomly assigned to two groups of 20 people by matching them in terms of age and history of diabetes. The data collection tool included demographic information questionnaire, depression, anxiety and stress scale and Madanlo's questionnaire of adherence to treatment orders. Results: The comparison of means indicates the effectiveness of the family-based program against the control group. Considering the different experimental and control groups, there is a significant difference between the anxiety scores in the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up stages. For the depression variable, the main effect of the group is substantial (Ƞ2=0.423 Ƞ^2=0.423 Ƞ2=0.423, p<0.05 p<0.05 p<0.05, F=27.846 F=27.846 F=27.846), indicating a significant overall difference in mean depression scores between the two groups. The results show that the main effect of time is substantial (Ƞ2=0.781 Ƞ^2=0.781 Ƞ2=0.781, p<0.05 p<0.05 p<0.05, F=135.824 F=135.824 F=135.824). For the stress variable, the main effect of the group is significant (Ƞ2=0.634 Ƞ^2=0.634 Ƞ2=0.634, p<0.05 p<0.05 p<0.05, F=65.767 F=65.767 F=65.767), indicating a significant overall difference in mean stress scores between the two groups. For the treatment adherence variable, the main effect of the group is substantial (Ƞ2=0.80 Ƞ^2=0.80 Ƞ2=0.80, p<0.05 p<0.05 p<0.05, F=172.726 F=172.726 F=172.726). The main effect of time is significant (Ƞ2=0.985 Ƞ^2=0.985 Ƞ2=0.985, p<0.05 p<0.05 p<0.05, F=2516.562 F=2516.562 F=2516.562), meaning that the changes in mean scores from the pre-test to the post-test and follow-up stages are significant regardless of the experimental and control groups. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the family-based program is efficacious in improving treatment adherence and psychological distress in employees with diabetes and hypertension. Family empowerment involves providing and teaching a health-promoting lifestyle to families of individuals with chronic disorders, helping families cope with familial problems related to chronic disorders, and strengthening family strengths to improve the safety, well-being, and adaptation of the affected individual. Family empowerment in self-management and self-care for chronic disorders is an intervention that focuses on strengthening the core values of caregivers (families). Family empowerment can also increase positive control of mind and body, preventive care, and constructive relationships with the environment, enhance positive emotions, and improve the family's ability to manage the disorder independently. The more individuals control and master their living environment, particularly stressful life conditions, the greater their sense of inner satisfaction, self-efficacy, and self-belief, leading to better psychological well-being. Conversely, individuals suffering from stress-induced hypertension often lack cognitive and behavioral skills to control stressful environmental events, generally doubting their abilities and constantly worrying about negative evaluations from others regarding themselves and their behaviors.
Masoumeh Taghi Ahangari Khiavi; susan alizadehfard; Ahmad Alipour
Objectives: Researches have shown that mental disorders can lead to physical diseases. On the other hand, many physical diseases also coexist with each other. This study aims to investigate the effect of mental disorders on the occurrence of physical diseases in dual comorbidities. Method: The present ...
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Objectives: Researches have shown that mental disorders can lead to physical diseases. On the other hand, many physical diseases also coexist with each other. This study aims to investigate the effect of mental disorders on the occurrence of physical diseases in dual comorbidities. Method: The present study was a survey-correlation study. The statistical population included men and women aged 18 to 80, residing in Tehran, who had visited medical centers due to illness in the first six months of 2019. Sampling conducted in a cluster form. The total number of participants in the project was 304 people that the number of dual comorbidity group (coexist of two diseases) was 110 people. Research tools included the standard physical illness checklist and the SCL-90 clinical symptom inventory. Machine learning used for data analyze. This work did with the help of Python-3.7.4 software and Scikit-learn-0.23.0 program. In order to check the hypotheses of the research, the random forest model strategy (Random Forest) used for machine learning. Results: The results showed that embodied diseases related to psychological problems and the pattern of psychological disorders in these patients could predicted. In this study, it determined that blood pressure and headache influenced by aggression, heart problems and arthritis related to depression, diabetes related to anxiety pattern, respiratory and digestive problems influenced by phobia, obesity and allergies related to obsession; and finally, skin diseases affected by interactive and interpersonal problems. In addition, a pattern of physical diseases identified by examining psychological disorders. The results showed that interpersonal interactions, obsession and anxiety have the most relationship with the incidence of obesity; depression has the greatest effect on heart diseases, phobia related to respiratory diseases, and aggression also related to diabetes. But interestingly, the highest correlation and the most significant pattern saw between obsession and obesity. Conclusion: With the help of machine learning method, this research showed that there are significant relationships between physical diseases and psychological disorders, as patterns of these relationships can inferred. The understanding and identification of these dual comorbidities will not only improve our knowledge in the boundaries of knowledge, but also have practical applications in pathology, treatment and design of special interventions for physical and psychological disorders. Also, the alignment of these results with previous research literature is a confirmation of the application of machine learning in later psychology and health studies
Mahnaz Ali Akbari; Maryam Hassanzadeh Hanoui; Ahmad Alipor; Noshin Bayat
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of schema therapy on coping styles in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Method: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test and a control group design. The 30 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who met the study's ...
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Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of schema therapy on coping styles in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Method: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test and a control group design. The 30 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who met the study's inclusion criteria were selected by purposeful sampling and entered the study randomly. Schema therapy was performed based on the model of Rizzo et al. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics indicators, including ANOVA with repeated measures, multivariate analysis of covariance, and one-way covariance in MANCOVA were used for data analysis. Findings: The effectiveness of schema therapy on the coping styles of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is stable. Comparing the pre-test-post-test and pre-test-follow-up stages showed a significant difference in all coping styles between the research groups. Also, the results showed a significant difference between the mean scores of problem-oriented, emotion-oriented, and avoidance coping styles. Conclusion: Performing schema therapy for rheumatoid arthritis patients can reduce the pain and suffering of these patients to some extent. It is suggested that in the policy of the country's health care system, plans be made to use schema therapy to reduce the pain of these patients.
amineh jalali; Reza Pourhosein; Ahmed Alipour; Gholam Ali Afrooz
Objective: Living with diabetes limitations is associated with special psychological distress. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the effectiveness of stress management method based on cognitive behavioral approach and self-care training and the combination of both on quality of life in people with ...
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Objective: Living with diabetes limitations is associated with special psychological distress. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the effectiveness of stress management method based on cognitive behavioral approach and self-care training and the combination of both on quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes. Method: The present study is a randomized four-group double-blind clinical trial with mixed between-and within-subjects design. The research sample included 60 people with type 2 diabetes selected purposefully among the members of the Kerman Diabetes Association by considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study. The participants, after matching in terms of age and gender, were randomly replaced in 4 groups of 15 people and the experimental groups received the relevant interventions in 8 sessions and the control group did not receive any intervention. Pre-test, post-test and 2-month follow-up of the members of all 4 groups were performed by 36-item quality of life questionnaire. Findings: According to the results of the SPANOVA analysis, the mean scores of quality of life (physical and mental health) in the post-test and follow-up phases were increased compared to the pre-test phase and the occurred increase remained stable until the follow-up phase. Conclusion: although medical training and self-care and psychological interventions are solely necessary and useful for people with diabetes, the combination of medical and psychological interventions are necessary to improve the quality of life and stability of the obtained results.
Ahmad Alipour; zahra ghanbari Zarandi; akbar jadidi
Objective: The purpose of this study was discriminating smokers from healthy people based on temperament and cognitive emotion regulation. Method: the present study has been a group classification design. The research population were all of girl and boy students in kerman. The final sample of research ...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was discriminating smokers from healthy people based on temperament and cognitive emotion regulation. Method: the present study has been a group classification design. The research population were all of girl and boy students in kerman. The final sample of research was including 200 participants (each group has 100 participants). For collect data used of cloninger's temperament questionnaire and cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (short- form). Findings: in comparison with the healthy group, the mean of novelty seeking and inefficient cognitive emotion regulation was higher and the mean of persistence, self-directedness, reward dependence and co-perativeness was lower in the smoking group. However, there was no significant difference in terms of harm avoidance, self-transcendence and efficient cognitive emotion regulation. Conclusion: considering a person's profile in the Cloninger temperament model and cognitive emotion regulation strategies, it is possible to identify people who are prone to tobacco use and provide them with the necessary training.
fahimeh amini; Alireza Aghayousefi; Ahmad Alipour; Valli Allah Farzad
Objective: The use of stress coping methods in multiple sclerosis patients can lead to significant changes in the level of cognitive immune biomarkers. Therefore, the aim of this research was Investigatin on the Effect of Coping Therapy on Immunological Biomarkers among Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Method: ...
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Objective: The use of stress coping methods in multiple sclerosis patients can lead to significant changes in the level of cognitive immune biomarkers. Therefore, the aim of this research was Investigatin on the Effect of Coping Therapy on Immunological Biomarkers among Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Method: The present research was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest method with control group. The study population included all patients with multiple sclerosis support member with MS. S. Tehran province was in 1397, 30 patients with M. S. Among eligible and volunteer patients, they were selected and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received eight sessions of treatment as copping therapy, and the control group received the same number of routine care sessions. To measure of the hypothesis, human Immunological Biomarkers kits were used to measure and blood samples collected 3 times and psychologically intervention was coping therapy. Findings: The results showed pre-test and post-test and follow-up component of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, INF-gama, white blood cells, lymphocytes and a significant difference (05/0> P) and grades stage follow-up measures remained fairly stable and lasting effect of the intervention is still coping therapy. Conclusion: The course of coping therapy improves the Immunological Biomarkers in patients with multiple sclerosis. In addition, this approach reduces the effectiveness of the intervention, follow-up time after the test had no effect
Mina Moghtaderi; Majid Saffarinia; Hossein Zare; Ahmad Alipour
Objective: The emergence of chronic diseases such as Parkinson seriously damages the patients’ psychological health besides physical health. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the purpose of investigating effectiveness of the package of hope therapy based on positivist approach on ...
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Objective: The emergence of chronic diseases such as Parkinson seriously damages the patients’ psychological health besides physical health. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the purpose of investigating effectiveness of the package of hope therapy based on positivist approach on Self-efficacy and loneliness of patients with Parkinson. Method: The present study was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest, control group and two-month follow-up period. The statistical population of the present study included the people with Parkinson in the city of Isfahan in the winter of 2018-19. 40 patients with Parkinson were selected through non-random available sampling and were randomly replaced into experimental and control groups (20 patients in the experimental group and 20 in the control group). The experimental group received training intervention of hope therapy based on positivist approach in ten ninety-minute sessions during three months. The applied questionnaires in this study included Self-efficacy (Sherer and Adams, 1994) and loneliness questionnaire (Russell, 1996). The data from the study were analyzed through repeated measurement ANOVA. Findings: The results showed that the training package of hope therapy based on positivist approach has significant effect on Self-efficacy and loneliness of Parkinson patients (p<0/001). However, this effect on the follow-up was also maintained. Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that training package of hope therapy based on positivist approach can lead to the improvement of Self-efficacy and loneliness of Parkinson patients due to enjoying the methods of hope therapy and positivist psychotherapy.
SHEIDA SHARIFI SAKI; ahmad alipor; alireza aghayuosefi; mphammad reza mohamadi; Bagher Ghobari Bonab
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-compassion with depression in women with breast cancer with mediator death anxiety. Method: This research was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population included all women with breast cancer referring ...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-compassion with depression in women with breast cancer with mediator death anxiety. Method: This research was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population included all women with breast cancer referring to hospitals and medical center of Mahdieh, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Firoozgar Hospital and Pars Hospital in 1396. The sample size was 397 people who were selected and responded to Beck Depression Inventory (2001), God Attachment Questionnaire to Rowat and Kirkpatrick (2002) and Templer's Death Anxiety Questionnaire (1979). The data of this study analyzed by structural equation method and using smart PLS software. Result: The results showed that the full inflows in the present model are confirmed at a significant level (p> 0/01). These results suggest that both direct paths and indirect paths have a significant effect on depression, but the paths that are more valid to the path of anxiety of death -> depression than other paths. Conclusion: In the formation of depression in women with breast cancer, mental and spiritual factors such as self-compassion and death anxiety are involved.Their findings implied the strong relation among spirituality values and psychological constructs.
Ali Mostafaie; Hosein Zare; Ahmad Alipour; Vali Allah Farzad
Volume 7, Issue 25 , June 2018, , Pages 35-55
Objective: The aim of this study was to Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models and meta-cognitive therapy on amount pain and Thoughts Fusion in patients suffering from chronic pain in broken who were referred to medical centers in broken and diagnosis of chronic ...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to Compare the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models and meta-cognitive therapy on amount pain and Thoughts Fusion in patients suffering from chronic pain in broken who were referred to medical centers in broken and diagnosis of chronic pain. Method: In this semi-experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design was used.105 people who were given a diagnosis of about them, were assigned to two experimental and control groups.this study was used to analyze the data from the test MANCOVA. Results: Results showed that meta-cognitive therapy and cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models in reducing amount pain and Thoughts Fusion In patients suffering from chronic pain were significantly effective.Conclusion: The results revealed that meta-cognitive therapy focuses on the challenge and cognitive therapy Based on meta-theoretical models focuses on the change process to create positive change and appropriate in patients with chronic pain used.
Mansooreh Fazilati; Gholam Ali Afrooz; Ahmad Alipour; Sedigheh Hantooshzadeh
Volume 6, Issue 23 , December 2017, , Pages 118-135
The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of family-oriented psychological interventions on marital satisfaction of pregnant mothers as well as their infant’s birth weight. Population of this quasi-experimental comprised all pregnant women which were in their first quarterly ...
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of family-oriented psychological interventions on marital satisfaction of pregnant mothers as well as their infant’s birth weight. Population of this quasi-experimental comprised all pregnant women which were in their first quarterly of gestation and came to Madaen Hospital for gestation cares. 30 pregnant mother were chosen by convenient sampling and assigned to experimental and control groups. All of mothers completed Afrooz Marital Satisfaction Scale as pre- and post-test and also the weight of their infants was measured after birth. Experimental group underwent family-oriented psychological interventions for 16 consecutive sessions once a week. Data analysis by ANCOVA and MANCOVA showed that family-oriented psychological interventions would improve marital satisfaction of pregnant mothers (p
Mahsa Ghorbani; Ahmad ALipour; Mahnaz ALiakbaridehkordi
Volume 6, Issue 23 , December 2017, , Pages 151-167
Introduction:There are evidences about effectiveness of positive approach on depression، anxiety and decrease of the negative excitement . This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of interventions of positive approach on depression, self esteem, body image and life expectancy of mastectomized ...
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Introduction:There are evidences about effectiveness of positive approach on depression، anxiety and decrease of the negative excitement . This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of interventions of positive approach on depression, self esteem, body image and life expectancy of mastectomized women. Method: The research design of this study was a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test design and a control group. In this research, women who had undergone mastectomy in Tajrish hospital, Tehran Cancer Research Center were studied and after it was confirmed that they have the required criteria for entering the study and pre-test was performed, 30 of them were chosen by convenience sampling. They were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. After the intervention of the positive approach to the intervention group in six sessions, the post-test was performed and the results were collected and analyzed using Spss software. Results :The results of analysis of covariance showed that positive approach has could reduce depression and increase their self-esteem, body image, and life expectancy. Conclusion: Finally, based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that a positive approach with regards to its specific techniques can be useful in working with mastectom people ized.
Ahmad Alipour; Akbar Rezai; Touraj Hashemi; Nahid yousefpour
Volume 5, Issue 20 , January 2017, , Pages 125-136
Objective: this study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy focused on lifestyle modification to increase monitoring vital signs and coronary heart disease and psychological well-being. Method: This study method was semi experimental Research projects was pretest-post ...
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Objective: this study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy focused on lifestyle modification to increase monitoring vital signs and coronary heart disease and psychological well-being. Method: This study method was semi experimental Research projects was pretest-post test with control group. The study sample included all patients with cardiovascular disease of Tabriz city in the first quarter of 1393. Sample study contained (40person) among people with cardiovascular patients from April to June 1393 who referred to Madani Hospital Tabriz. In this study, the first phase of random sampling was used and later on the experimental and control groups were used. The experimental group received training with cognitive behavioral therapy focused on lifestyle modification. Both groups were tested for the pre-test and post-test. A questionnaire based on the psychological well-being and a demographic chart armistice was used in this survey. To analyze the data, the mean and standard deviation, standard error of the mean and the analytical method was used for multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The findings showed that there were diference between experimental and control groups in improvement of vital signs and psychological well-being. Conclusion: The results indicated that cognitive behavioral therapy focused on lifestyle modification to increase monitoring vital signs and psychological well-being of patients with coronary artery disease.
Zoha Saeedi; Hadi Bahrami; Ahmad Alipour
Volume 5, Issue 19 , October 2016, , Pages 85-98
Objective: Many health problems arise directly from people`s behavioral choices, but people often do not behave in ways that could improve their health and extend their lives. The purpose of this study is to explore how self-compassion may play a role in relationship between self-control and health. ...
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Objective: Many health problems arise directly from people`s behavioral choices, but people often do not behave in ways that could improve their health and extend their lives. The purpose of this study is to explore how self-compassion may play a role in relationship between self-control and health. Methods: To do so, 127 students (45 males and 82 females) of the university of Tehran filled four-dimensional measure of health questionnaire and short form of self-compassion and self-control scales. Findings: The results revealed that self-compassion and self-control were correlated positively with health and the result of hierarchical regression analysis showed the moderating effect of self-compassion on the relationship between self-control and health. So that, in the higher level of self-compassion, self-control was a better predictor of health. Conclusion: These results are discussed in terms of the role of self-compassion in the stages of self-control (setting goals, taking action, evaluation and emotion regulation).
Bahram Maleki; ahmad alipor; hosein zare; farhad shaghaghi
Volume 5, Issue 18 , July 2016, , Pages 5-20
AbstractBackground : the study of self esteem is one of the most common methods for studying individual differences in psychology.Acording the theory of the relationship between self-esteem and cardiovascular function ( Martinz , Greenberg, and Alan, 2008 ) self-esteem it can be related with feelings ...
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AbstractBackground : the study of self esteem is one of the most common methods for studying individual differences in psychology.Acording the theory of the relationship between self-esteem and cardiovascular function ( Martinz , Greenberg, and Alan, 2008 ) self-esteem it can be related with feelings of safety in the encounter with threat and stress Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between explicit and implicit self-esteem levels, with heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure as index of cardiovascular Methods: This study was a correlative study on a sample of 320 subjects of university with random sampling. Explicit and implicit self-esteem of subjects measured entering to laboratory of university and then blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Results: The results of Spearman's correlation coefficient and regression analysis showed that btween explicit self-esteem and cardiovascular function parameters were significant negative (p>0/01) correlation in all three cases. Regression analysis of data showed that explicit and implicit self-esteem could significantly predict systolic blood pressure and heart rate. In both cases, implicit self -esteem are more predictive power than explicit self-esteem. Conclusion: In overall results showed that low self-esteem significantly can be predictive of high heart rate and blood pressure and otherwise, high self-esteem can be predictive of low heart rate and blood pressure.
Fatemeh Noorbala; Hadi Bahram ehsan; Ahmad Alipour
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, , Pages 51-62
Objective: Based on Young’s schema therapy model, three coping styles i.e. avoidance, surrender, and overcompensation is utilized against schema activation. Confronting with events, the type of dominant coping style affects general health. The aim of this study was to predict general health status ...
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Objective: Based on Young’s schema therapy model, three coping styles i.e. avoidance, surrender, and overcompensation is utilized against schema activation. Confronting with events, the type of dominant coping style affects general health. The aim of this study was to predict general health status (mental and physical) based on the type of dominant coping styles. Method: For this purpose, Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36), Young-Rygh Compensation Inventory (YCI), and Young-Rygh Avoidance Inventory (YAI) were filled by 120 students of University of Tehran sampled via convenience sampling. The results were analysis through correlation and multiple regression methods in SPSS software (version 18). Findings: The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between two coping styles i.e. avoidance and overcompensation with general health status (p≤0/05). In addition, regression analysis showed that overcompensation coping style has a major role in the prediction of general health status. Conclusion: Based on the results, both coping styles i.e. avoidance and overcompensation have negative effect on general health, but facing with events through excessive overcompensation has more deteriorative effect on mental and physical health.
mehrdad akbari
Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2015, , Pages 21-36
Objective: Breast cancer can cause of many problems in physical, mental and social performance, including pain and can cause reduced quality of life. The aim of this study is the effect of coping skills training program on pain and quality of life in breast cancer patients residing in the city of Dezful. ...
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Objective: Breast cancer can cause of many problems in physical, mental and social performance, including pain and can cause reduced quality of life. The aim of this study is the effect of coping skills training program on pain and quality of life in breast cancer patients residing in the city of Dezful. Method: Method of this study is a quasi-experimental research design with pretest - posttest control group. During an informal invitation 34 patients were enrolled in the study were eligible. The patients were randomly divided into experiment and control groups (each group include 17 subjects). Experiment group were received 8 sessions 1.5 h weekly of coping skills program (Lazaruss, Folkman, 1984). Participants completed brief pain questionnaire (BPI) and quality of life questionnaire (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)) before and after starting the program. Findings: The results of the descriptive analysis showed that experimental group have better in global quality of life and its dimensions, also experiment group reduced in both severity pain and interference in daily functioning than the control group. Conclusion: MANCOVA analysis demonstrates that coping training caused enhancement of quality of life and diminish the pain in experiment group.
E. Aslami; Ahmad Alipour; A. Aghayusefi; F. Najib
Volume 4, Issue 14 , May 2015, , Pages 129-140
Abstract Objective:Anxiety of pregnancy influences the childbirth factors and pregnancy outcomes. Mindfulness is an approach that can be used to control this anxiety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of mindfulness-based Islamic- spiritual schemas on pregnancy anxiety in pregnant women ...
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Abstract Objective:Anxiety of pregnancy influences the childbirth factors and pregnancy outcomes. Mindfulness is an approach that can be used to control this anxiety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of mindfulness-based Islamic- spiritual schemas on pregnancy anxiety in pregnant women and their infants' physiological parameters. Method: This study was a pre- experimental study by pretest- posttest design with a control group. Thirty women pregnant had 16 to 32 weeks were selected with the high score in anxiety of pregnancy questionnaire. The study participants were placed in two groups (one experimental with mindfulness-based Islamic spiritual schema and another control) by chance selection. The Dareshori anxiety of pregnancy Questionnaire was used for collecting the data in pre-test and post-test stages. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance was used for analyzing the data. Results: mindfulness-based Islamic –spiritual schemas training reduced indicators of pregnancy anxiety ( fear of emotions and interpersonal relationships, fear of appearance changes and fear of childbirth) and increased the physiological characteristics of newborns (eg, weight, head circumference and score at the first minute and the fifth minute Apgar). Conclusion: Mindfulness-based Islamic spiritual schema training is effective in reducing pregnancy anxiety and improving physiological parameters of their infants
Seyedeh zahra Alibakhshi; Ahmad Alipour; Valioallah Farzad; Mahnaz Aliakbari dehkordi
Volume 4, Issue 13 , February 2015, , Pages 41-52
Objective: The aim of the present research was to investigate the mediating role of depression in relation between attachment and parenting style with overweight and obesity of girls adolescent. Method: This research method is descriptive and the population was all the students between ages 14-17 in ...
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Objective: The aim of the present research was to investigate the mediating role of depression in relation between attachment and parenting style with overweight and obesity of girls adolescent. Method: This research method is descriptive and the population was all the students between ages 14-17 in the 92-93 education year in Tehran that 440 students chose according to cluster sampling. They took seven tests (Depression, Baum rind parenting style and Attachment). Data was analyzed through Pearson's correlation, path analysis and structural equation model. Result: Research findings indicate that there is positive correlation between emotional eating style and obesity and negative correlation between depression and obesity. There is an indirect relationship between Reactionary parenting style and obesity. The results of path analysis indicate that emotional eating is a mediator variant between parenting style, anxiety and depression with obesity and overweight and self-esteem is a mediator variant between parenting style with obesity. Conclusion: Research findings support that there are infrastructural and psychological mechanisms in creating obesity and overweight in girls adolescent. Therefore concern to above variants, help researchers and psychologist to prevent and make suitable treatments.
mahshid jafarzadeh; ahmad alipour; mohamad oraki; aziz reza ghasemzadeh
Volume 3, Issue 10 , September 2014, , Pages 97-115
Objective: The aim of article was to study the coping strategies and attachment stylesin individuals with gender identity disorder and without it.Method: The research was a causal-comparative study. The society of the studyincluded all individuals with or without Gender identity disorder in Tehran. 60individuals ...
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Objective: The aim of article was to study the coping strategies and attachment stylesin individuals with gender identity disorder and without it.Method: The research was a causal-comparative study. The society of the studyincluded all individuals with or without Gender identity disorder in Tehran. 60individuals were selected through available sampling method, 30 individuals withsexual identity disorder and 30 individuals without it; which had been matched byage, educational and social levels. They were handed to fill the coping strategiesinventory of Carver, Scheier and Weintraub (1989) and Revised AdultAttachment Scale. In analysis of data analysis and t test are applied.Results: Results indicated that insecure attachment style is more common amongindividuals with gender identity disorder than others without it, and they useemotion focused coping strategies than others without it.Conclusion: According to the results, attachment styles affect adult relationships,mental health and coping strategies.
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Volume 2, Issue 7 , November 2013, , Pages 21-31
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigating the effectiveness of emotional eating intervention on modifying emotional eating and weight management in obese and overweight women. Method: With convenient sampling method, among female volunteers who were eligible to participate in research regarding ...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigating the effectiveness of emotional eating intervention on modifying emotional eating and weight management in obese and overweight women. Method: With convenient sampling method, among female volunteers who were eligible to participate in research regarding to include-exclude criteria, 22 participants were selected and assigned randomly in to two groups (experimental and control groups). Prior to and after conducting the intervention, all participants of two groups filled out the items of emotional eating scale and their anthropometric characteristics were measured, too. Results: data analysis by 16th version of SPSSand applying independent t test revealed that emotional eating intervention could modify emotional eating (anger, anxiety and depression) and weight reduction significantly in experimental group compared with control group (pConclusion: This intervention could reduce the weight and modify emotional eating by regulating emotions, correcting sabotage beliefs about eating and eating and cognitive restructuring, among people with emotional eating.
zeynabe sharifaskari; ali fathiashtiani; ahmad alipour; majid safarinia
Volume 1, Issue 4 , July 2013, , Pages 42-55
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Volume 2, Issue 8 , June 2013, , Pages 5-21
Objective: Obesity and Overweight is increasing in developing countries. Obesity has undesired consequences especially in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to compare attachment rate to parents, and affective control in adolescents (11-18) regarding to body mass index.
Method: ...
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Objective: Obesity and Overweight is increasing in developing countries. Obesity has undesired consequences especially in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to compare attachment rate to parents, and affective control in adolescents (11-18) regarding to body mass index.
Method: So, 366 adolescents were selected using multi-step cluster sampling. Participants were overweight (n=145), BMI>25, and normal (n= 211), BMI<25, that completed Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment-Revised,( IPPA-R), and Affective Control Scale.
Results:One-way analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of variance by using SPSS-16 at p<0/05, indicated that there was a significant difference among attachment rate to mother, and depression control in two groups.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that attachment to mother is an important factor that can contribute to the weight gain and obesity.
Volume 2, Issue 5 , June 2013, , Pages 82-89
Introduction: The purpose of this study was the misinformation teens in a variety of addictive substances and the role of education in changing the level of awareness of the addictive substances of high school adolescents.Methods: A quasi-experimental design with random cluster study on 60 male and female ...
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Introduction: The purpose of this study was the misinformation teens in a variety of addictive substances and the role of education in changing the level of awareness of the addictive substances of high school adolescents.Methods: A quasi-experimental design with random cluster study on 60 male and female high school students in third grade (thirty people for each group) was performed. After selecting samples of student information was assessed about types of addictive substances in the community by a test of 60 questions. Then the students training in a variety of addictive substances (including effects, complications and treatment) in 4 sessions of 45 minutes spent. Then re-evaluate their general information. The data were compared with independent and dependent t test for.Results: The correct Knowledge of groups in any of the addictive substance is not more than 50%. In boys, mean correct information before 7.28 and after 8.37 respectively. Mean girls at the correct information before and after was 29 and 39.2. There was no significant difference between two groups.Conclusion: The amount of misinformation (poor training) after training showed a significant decrease in females. This decrease was not significant in boys. Correct knowledge of adolescents about the (effects, risks, dependence and treatment), types of addictive substances is low, with a short-term training can reduce the false knowledge and true knowledge of them increased. However, change comes slowly in boys.
M zare; A alipour; Z shayeghan; F khaleghi delavar; H shahriari; F amirabadi
Volume 1, Issue 3 , February 2013, , Pages 50-59
M agah heris; A alipour; M janbozorgi; E mousavi; SH noohi
Volume 1, Issue 1 , November 2012, , Pages 68-80
Abstract Aim: This study aimed to comparing the effectiveness of life- style modification and cognitive group therapy to weight reduction and improving the quality of life. Method: Hence, among volunteers to interventions, 26 participants regarding to exclude- include criteria were ...
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Abstract Aim: This study aimed to comparing the effectiveness of life- style modification and cognitive group therapy to weight reduction and improving the quality of life. Method: Hence, among volunteers to interventions, 26 participants regarding to exclude- include criteria were participated on this study randomly assigned into two groups. All the items of quality of life and overweight: the obesity related well- being questionnaire were filled out by all the participants prior to, 4 months, and seven months later than onset of the interventions, and their BMI were calculated, too. Gathering data were analyzed by 16th version of SPSS, and by applying repeated measures method. Results: Finding revealed that both life- style modification group therapy and cognitive group therapy significantly reduced BMI and improving quality of life (p<0.05).