In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Objective: Obesity and Overweight is increasing in developing countries. Obesity has undesired consequences especially in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to compare attachment rate to parents, and affective control in adolescents (11-18) regarding to body mass index.
Method: So, 366 adolescents were selected using multi-step cluster sampling. Participants were overweight (n=145), BMI>25, and normal (n= 211), BMI<25, that completed Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment-Revised,( IPPA-R), and Affective Control Scale.
Results:One-way analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of variance by using SPSS-16 at p<0/05, indicated that there was a significant difference among attachment rate to mother, and depression control in two groups.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that attachment to mother is an important factor that can contribute to the weight gain and obesity.


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