In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran

2 M.A. of General Psychology, Tehran South Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the components of personality, rumination and self-compassion in patients with myasthenia gravis and normal individuals. The present study is of applied and causal-comparative type. Method: The statistical population included all patients with myasthenia gravis disorder in Tehran. Using available sampling method, 100 patients (50 patients with myasthenia gravis and 50 healthy individuals) were considered. Research tools included the Neo Personality Inventory (Costa and McCriff 1985), the Ruminant Inventory Inventory (Nolen-Hooksma, 1991), and the Self-Compassion Scale (Neff and Bratos, 2003). One-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that there was a significant difference between patients with myasthenia gravis and healthy individuals in terms of personality components, rumination and self-compassion (P <0.01). Conclusion: Therefore, trying to study rumination and disturbed psyche can be an important step to improve the mental health of myasthenia gravis patients


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