In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor in Educational Psychology, Lorestan University

2 Ph.D. student in Educational Psychology, Lorestan University

3 Ph.D. student in Jeneral Psychology, Razi University


Introduction: The aim on present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on cognitive flexibility and life satisfaction women with multiple sclerosis. Methods: The present study design was method experimental included with pretest-posttest and follow-up with control group which was performed on 30 women with multiple sclerosis, who were randomly assigned into two groups of experimental and control group. Intervention acceptance and commitment therapy during 8 sessions, 90-minute, two sessions a week for the experimental group, while control group received no the intervention. After finishing session, posttest and three months after intervention follow-up was administrated to experimental and control group. Analysis of raw data using descriptive and inferential and tests, including analysis of covariance was performed. Results: The results revealed that the acceptance and commitment therapy had a significant positive effect on increase cognitive flexibility and life satisfaction (P


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