In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Introduction :Cancer is the one of the most stressful events.The present study investigated the effect of hypnotherapy on resilience of patients with acute myeloid leukemia.( AML)  Method: The statistical population in this quasi-experimental study included all AML patients (n=89), visiting the cancer clinic. All of the patients had medical records and   flow cytometry for the diagnosis of AML.  The sample size of 26 was considered and the subjects were selected using convenience sampling method. Then, they were randomly divided in two groups (case and control). Results: Data collection instrument for the case group was the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. This group also received six hypno therapy sessions. Data analysis was done with ANCOVA in SPSS22. Conclusion :Results showed that the hypnotherapy significantly promoted resilience (p


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