Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
on Perceived Stress and Illness Perception in Asthmatic Individuals [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 7-20]
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Comparison of Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Self-Compassion and Quality of Life in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion-Based Therapy and Combination therapy on Anxiety and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients With Systemic Lupus [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 189-206]
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Anxiety, Sleep and Severity of Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 111-130]
Adherence of Treatment
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotion Regulation, Perceived Stress, and Adherence of Treatment in Overweight Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-175]
Affect Regulation Training
Comparison of effectiveness of Autogenic Training and Affect Regulation Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation of Women with Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 91-110]
Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion-Based Therapy and Combination therapy on Anxiety and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients With Systemic Lupus [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 189-206]
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Group Therapy on Hypochondriasis and Anxiety in Men Suffering from Chronic Pain [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 41-56]
The prevalence of coronavirus anxiety: Risk factors and Protectors in students and staff of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 85-104]
Comparison of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and schema therapy combined with motivational interviewing on reducing depression and anxiety in patients with Chroni Renal [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 7-30]
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Anxiety, Sleep and Severity of Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 111-130]
Effectiveness of Meta cognitive Therapy on Body Image Concern, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Patients [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 151-164]
Anxiety Sensitivity
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy and Processingemotion Regulation on Anxiety Sensitivity
of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 109-126]
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
on Perceived Stress and Illness Perception in Asthmatic Individuals [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 7-20]
Attitude Towards Death and Life Meaning in Dying Cancer Patients: A Phenomenological Study. [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 65-82]
Autogenic training
Comparison of effectiveness of Autogenic Training and Affect Regulation Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation of Women with Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 91-110]
Behavioral Brain System
The Causal Model of Depression among Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis based on the Brain-Behavioral Systems, with the Role of the Cognitive Flexibility Mediation and Cognitive Avoidance [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 45-64]
Body image concern
A Structural Model of the Relationship between Body Image Concern and Obsessive Beliefs with Body Management in People Seeking Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 121-140]
Body image concern
Prediction of Therapeutic Daily Dietary Intake Based on Body Image Concern, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Self-Concept in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 63-76]
Body image concern
Effectiveness of Meta cognitive Therapy on Body Image Concern, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Patients [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 151-164]
Body management
A Structural Model of the Relationship between Body Image Concern and Obsessive Beliefs with Body Management in People Seeking Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 121-140]
Chronic Pain
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Group Therapy on Hypochondriasis and Anxiety in Men Suffering from Chronic Pain [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 41-56]
Chronic Renal failure
Comparison of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and schema therapy combined with motivational interviewing on reducing depression and anxiety in patients with Chroni Renal [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 7-30]
Cognitive Biases
Cognitive Biases During the Coronavirus Outbreak in Iranian Society [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 47-62]
Cognitive Emotion Regulation
The Discriminational Role of Cloninger's Temperament Model and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the Discrimination of Tobacco Users [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 127-140]
Cognitive Emotion Regulation
Comparison of effectiveness of Autogenic Training and Affect Regulation Training on Cognitive Emotion Regulation of Women with Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 91-110]
Cognitive Flexibility
The Causal Model of Depression among Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis based on the Brain-Behavioral Systems, with the Role of the Cognitive Flexibility Mediation and Cognitive Avoidance [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 45-64]
Cognitive Flexibility
Predicting Psychological Well-Being Based on Emotion Regulation, Cognitive Flexibility and Mindfulness in Cancer Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 141-160]
Cognitive reactions
Identifying the Cognitive Reactions of Physicians Recovered from Covid-19: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 101-120]
Compassion-focused therapy
Comparison of Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Self-Compassion and Quality of Life in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Compassion – Focused Therapy
The Effectiveness of Compassion - Focused Therapy on Perceived Stress and Emotional Suppression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 145-156]
Compassion Therapy
Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion-Based Therapy and Combination therapy on Anxiety and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients With Systemic Lupus [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 189-206]
Contextual Experiences
Cancer-Based Contextual Experiences: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 51-66]
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Short Form (CISS-SF)
The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (Short Form): A Psychometric Investigation for Nurses [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 105-120]
Coping Techniques
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]
Coping therapy
The Effectiveness of Coping Therapy on Self-Control and HbA1c among Female Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 71-84]
Corona Disease Anxiety
The Mediating Role of Corona Disease Anxiety in the Relationship between Trait Anxiety with General Health and Health-Promoting Lifestyle in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 165-179]
Cognitive Biases During the Coronavirus Outbreak in Iranian Society [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 47-62]
Identifying the Cognitive Reactions of Physicians Recovered from Covid-19: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 101-120]
Efficiency of Online Reality Therapy on Perceived Stress and Experiential Avoidance in the Covid 19-Improved Patients [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 141-156]
COVID-19 Disease
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]
Death News
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]
The Causal Model of Depression among Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis based on the Brain-Behavioral Systems, with the Role of the Cognitive Flexibility Mediation and Cognitive Avoidance [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 45-64]
Comparison of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and schema therapy combined with motivational interviewing on reducing depression and anxiety in patients with Chroni Renal [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 7-30]
Effectiveness of Meta cognitive Therapy on Body Image Concern, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Patients [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 151-164]
Diabetes and Overweight
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotion Regulation, Perceived Stress, and Adherence of Treatment in Overweight Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-175]
Dysfunctional attitudes
Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion-Based Therapy and Combination therapy on Anxiety and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients With Systemic Lupus [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 189-206]
Early death
The Explanation of Regrets in Frist Degree Survivors of Cancer Patients with Early Death [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 7-28]
Emotional Regulation
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotion Regulation, Perceived Stress, and Adherence of Treatment in Overweight Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-175]
Emotional Regulation
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Neurofeedback on Severity and Intensity of Somatic Symptoms and Emotional Regulation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 121-144]
Emotional Suppression
The Effectiveness of Compassion - Focused Therapy on Perceived Stress and Emotional Suppression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 145-156]
Experiential Avoidance
Efficiency of Online Reality Therapy on Perceived Stress and Experiential Avoidance in the Covid 19-Improved Patients [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 141-156]
Factor Analysis
Evaluation of Factor Structure and Validation of Electronic form of CAQ Fear of Delivery Questionnaire in Pregnant Women [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 57-70]
Evaluation of Factor Structure and Validation of Electronic form of CAQ Fear of Delivery Questionnaire in Pregnant Women [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 57-70]
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Anxiety, Sleep and Severity of Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 111-130]
First degree survivors
The Explanation of Regrets in Frist Degree Survivors of Cancer Patients with Early Death [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 7-28]
General health
The Mediating Role of Corona Disease Anxiety in the Relationship between Trait Anxiety with General Health and Health-Promoting Lifestyle in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 165-179]
Girl Students
Prediction of Therapeutic Daily Dietary Intake Based on Body Image Concern, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Self-Concept in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 63-76]
The Effectiveness of Coping Therapy on Self-Control and HbA1c among Female Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 71-84]
Health Hardiness
Investigation of Diet on Mental Well-Being by Health Hardiness Mediation among Women Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 161-188]
Health-Promoting Lifestyle
The Mediating Role of Corona Disease Anxiety in the Relationship between Trait Anxiety with General Health and Health-Promoting Lifestyle in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 165-179]
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Group Therapy on Hypochondriasis and Anxiety in Men Suffering from Chronic Pain [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 41-56]
Comparison of Negative Mood Regulation, Personal Behavior and Life Style in Cancer Patients, Heart Patients and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 31-46]
Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion-Based Therapy and Combination therapy on Anxiety and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients With Systemic Lupus [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 189-206]
Meta cognitive Therapy
Effectiveness of Meta cognitive Therapy on Body Image Concern, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Patients [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 151-164]
The Mediating Role of Coping Styles and Perceived Social Support in the Relationship between Temperament and Character Dimensions and Psychological Well-being in People with Migraine [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 29-50]
Predicting Psychological Well-Being Based on Emotion Regulation, Cognitive Flexibility and Mindfulness in Cancer Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 141-160]
Effectiveness of Child-Oriented Mindfulness Therapy on Pain Self-Efficacy and Pain Anxiety of the Children with Rheumatism [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 85-100]
The relationship between resilience and mindfulness with emotional well-being with the mediating role of emotion regulation in cancer [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 67-84]
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Neurofeedback on Severity and Intensity of Somatic Symptoms and Emotional Regulation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 121-144]
Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy on Psychological Helplessness, Acceptance and Pain Intensity in People With Low Back Pain Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 23-40]
Mindfulness-based stress reduction
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotion Regulation, Perceived Stress, and Adherence of Treatment in Overweight Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-175]
Motivational Interviewing Schema therapy combined with Motivational Interviewing
Comparison of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and schema therapy combined with motivational interviewing on reducing depression and anxiety in patients with Chroni Renal [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 7-30]
Predicting Attitude to Suicidal Thoughts Based on Psychological Hardiness and Perceived Physical Image in MS Patients [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 157-170]
Multiple Sclerosis
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy and Processingemotion Regulation on Anxiety Sensitivity
of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 109-126]
Multiple Sclerosis
Investigation of Diet on Mental Well-Being by Health Hardiness Mediation among Women Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 161-188]
Negative Mood Regulation
Comparison of Negative Mood Regulation, Personal Behavior and Life Style in Cancer Patients, Heart Patients and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 31-46]
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Neurofeedback on Severity and Intensity of Somatic Symptoms and Emotional Regulation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 121-144]
The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (Short Form): A Psychometric Investigation for Nurses [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 105-120]
Obsessive beliefs
A Structural Model of the Relationship between Body Image Concern and Obsessive Beliefs with Body Management in People Seeking Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 121-140]
Pain Acceptance
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy on Psychological Helplessness, Acceptance and Pain Intensity in People With Low Back Pain Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 23-40]
Pain Intensity
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy on Psychological Helplessness, Acceptance and Pain Intensity in People With Low Back Pain Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 23-40]
Pain Intensity
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Anxiety, Sleep and Severity of Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 111-130]
Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
The Effectiveness of Compassion - Focused Therapy on Perceived Stress and Emotional Suppression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 145-156]
Perceived Social Support
The Mediating Role of Coping Styles and Perceived Social Support in the Relationship between Temperament and Character Dimensions and Psychological Well-being in People with Migraine [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 29-50]
Perceived stress
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
on Perceived Stress and Illness Perception in Asthmatic Individuals [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 7-20]
Perceived stress
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]
Perceived stress
Efficiency of Online Reality Therapy on Perceived Stress and Experiential Avoidance in the Covid 19-Improved Patients [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 141-156]
Perceived stress
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Emotion Regulation, Perceived Stress, and Adherence of Treatment in Overweight Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-175]
Perceived stress
The Effectiveness of Compassion - Focused Therapy on Perceived Stress and Emotional Suppression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 145-156]
Personal Behavior
Comparison of Negative Mood Regulation, Personal Behavior and Life Style in Cancer Patients, Heart Patients and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 31-46]
Attitude Towards Death and Life Meaning in Dying Cancer Patients: A Phenomenological Study. [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 65-82]
Phenomenological study
Identifying the Cognitive Reactions of Physicians Recovered from Covid-19: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 101-120]
Cancer-Based Contextual Experiences: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 51-66]
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapyon Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Psychological Wellbeing and Sens of Coherence of Nurses in Social Security Hospitals [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 171-190]
The prevalence of coronavirus anxiety: Risk factors and Protectors in students and staff of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 85-104]
Processing Emotion Regulation
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy and Processingemotion Regulation on Anxiety Sensitivity
of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 109-126]
Psychological Capital Elements Training
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Elements Training on Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Distress on the Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 7-22]
Psychological distress
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Elements Training on Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Distress on the Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 7-22]
Psychological flexibility
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Elements Training on Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Distress on the Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 7-22]
Psychological Hardiness
Predicting Attitude to Suicidal Thoughts Based on Psychological Hardiness and Perceived Physical Image in MS Patients [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 157-170]
Psychological Helplessness
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy on Psychological Helplessness, Acceptance and Pain Intensity in People With Low Back Pain Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 23-40]
Psychosomatic Skin
Comparison of The Effectiveness of Semantic Cognitive Reconstruction Therapy and Self-Encouragement Therapy on Psychological Well-Being in People with Psychosomatic Skin [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 77-90]
Quality of Life
Comparison of Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Self-Compassion and Quality of Life in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Quality of Life
The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and Progressive Counting on Quality of Life in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 131-150]
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]
The Explanation of Regrets in Frist Degree Survivors of Cancer Patients with Early Death [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 7-28]
The relationship between resilience and mindfulness with emotional well-being with the mediating role of emotion regulation in cancer [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 67-84]
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapyon Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Psychological Wellbeing and Sens of Coherence of Nurses in Social Security Hospitals [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 171-190]
The Effectiveness of Coping Therapy on Self-Control and HbA1c among Female Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 71-84]
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapyon Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Psychological Wellbeing and Sens of Coherence of Nurses in Social Security Hospitals [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 171-190]
Comparison of The Effectiveness of Semantic Cognitive Reconstruction Therapy and Self-Encouragement Therapy on Psychological Well-Being in People with Psychosomatic Skin [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 77-90]
Semantic Cognitive Reconstruction
Comparison of The Effectiveness of Semantic Cognitive Reconstruction Therapy and Self-Encouragement Therapy on Psychological Well-Being in People with Psychosomatic Skin [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 77-90]
Sense of Coherence
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapyon Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Psychological Wellbeing and Sens of Coherence of Nurses in Social Security Hospitals [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 171-190]
Social Networks
Cognitive Biases During the Coronavirus Outbreak in Iranian Society [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 47-62]
Somatic Symptoms
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Neurofeedback on Severity and Intensity of Somatic Symptoms and Emotional Regulation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 121-144]
Structural Model
A Structural Model of the Relationship between Body Image Concern and Obsessive Beliefs with Body Management in People Seeking Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 121-140]
Suicidal Thoughts
Predicting Attitude to Suicidal Thoughts Based on Psychological Hardiness and Perceived Physical Image in MS Patients [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 157-170]
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Comparison of Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Self-Compassion and Quality of Life in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 83-108]
The Discriminational Role of Cloninger's Temperament Model and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the Discrimination of Tobacco Users [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 127-140]
Therapeutic Daily Dietary
Prediction of Therapeutic Daily Dietary Intake Based on Body Image Concern, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Self-Concept in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 63-76]
Tobacco Use
The Discriminational Role of Cloninger's Temperament Model and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the Discrimination of Tobacco Users [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 127-140]
Trait Anxiety
The Mediating Role of Corona Disease Anxiety in the Relationship between Trait Anxiety with General Health and Health-Promoting Lifestyle in Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 165-179]
Virtual Media
The Interactive Role of Person-Media (Non-Governmental Virtual) in Death News on Perceived Stress and Coping with it During the Quarantine of COVID-19 Disease [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 21-44]