M.Ali Besharat; Nasrin Zamani; Alireza Moafi; Hadi Bahram ehsani
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 7-22
Alireza Aghayousefi; Morteza Tarkhan; Narges Mohammadi; Hamid Afshar
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 23-38
Saeid Pournaghash Tehrani; Farinaz Tafteh; Mehdi Saberi; Davood Kazemi Saleh
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 39-50
Objective: Stress and other emotional distress are prevalent among cardiovascular patients. This study is performed to investigate the effect of medical counseling on stress and physiological factors of patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary ...
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Objective: Stress and other emotional distress are prevalent among cardiovascular patients. This study is performed to investigate the effect of medical counseling on stress and physiological factors of patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA). Methods: This study is of experimental type with pre-test, post-test and control group. Our sample consisted of 60 patients selected by a randomly accessible method and placed either into the experimental group or the control group. Stress was measured by Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and physical factors data were obtained from patients’ files twice, before and after medical intervention. Findings: Findings showed that post-test stress in experimental group was less than that of PCI patients, though not significant. Data were analyzed using SPSS and MANCOVA. Conclusion: Medical counseling lacked any significant effect on stress and physiological factors of these patients. The experience of stress in cardiac patients seems to be unique and different from other people, thus its measurement requires a scale specifically designed for these patients.
Fatemeh Noorbala; Hadi Bahram ehsan; Ahmad Alipour
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 51-62
Objective: Based on Young’s schema therapy model, three coping styles i.e. avoidance, surrender, and overcompensation is utilized against schema activation. Confronting with events, the type of dominant coping style affects general health. The aim of this study was to predict general health status ...
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Objective: Based on Young’s schema therapy model, three coping styles i.e. avoidance, surrender, and overcompensation is utilized against schema activation. Confronting with events, the type of dominant coping style affects general health. The aim of this study was to predict general health status (mental and physical) based on the type of dominant coping styles. Method: For this purpose, Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36), Young-Rygh Compensation Inventory (YCI), and Young-Rygh Avoidance Inventory (YAI) were filled by 120 students of University of Tehran sampled via convenience sampling. The results were analysis through correlation and multiple regression methods in SPSS software (version 18). Findings: The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between two coping styles i.e. avoidance and overcompensation with general health status (p≤0/05). In addition, regression analysis showed that overcompensation coping style has a major role in the prediction of general health status. Conclusion: Based on the results, both coping styles i.e. avoidance and overcompensation have negative effect on general health, but facing with events through excessive overcompensation has more deteriorative effect on mental and physical health.
nastaran Alaghehbandha; seyede monavar yazdi; simin Hosseinian
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 63-78
Objective: The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of inductive fear on the systolic and diastolic of blood pressure levels in solving classified problems of the identification concept (simple, semi complex, complex). Methods: The method of present study was experimental with pretest-posttest ...
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Objective: The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of inductive fear on the systolic and diastolic of blood pressure levels in solving classified problems of the identification concept (simple, semi complex, complex). Methods: The method of present study was experimental with pretest-posttest design having control groups. The population was undergraduate students from 8 faculties at Azahra University. A sample of 200 students selected randomly and they were assessed by Eysenek personality Inventory (Introversion – extroversion).Then a sample of 60 students who scored moderate on this test drowned as statistical samples, randomly divided into 6 (3 experimental and 3 control) groups of ten people. Each group was under taken one of different levels of concept complexity tasks as well as blood pressures were measured. The experimental groups had inductive fear film between the two sessions. The instruments were 3 different levels of constructed concept cards and as well as personality test. Data were collected by pressure meter. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA test. Findings: The findings showed that fear of systolic blood pressure of the groups in all three levels of homework and on diastolic blood pressure of the groups had a significant effect on two levels of simple and complex tasks (p>0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the mean diastolic blood pressure of the groups in the semi-complex assignments. Conclusion: Regarding the effect of fear on blood pressure, the importance of psychological variables in the prevention and treatment of hypertension is known.
Fereydun Ramazani; GHasem Ahi
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 79-92
Objective: There is considerable evidence suggesting that cancer patients suffer from substantial and long-term psychological distress associated with different forms of cancer and its medical treatment. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the effectiveness of psycho-educational interventions ...
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Objective: There is considerable evidence suggesting that cancer patients suffer from substantial and long-term psychological distress associated with different forms of cancer and its medical treatment. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the effectiveness of psycho-educational interventions on the improvement of psychological well-being in patients with cancer aged 20 to 40 years. Method: In a semi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test and control group, 12 patients with cancer were selected by available sampling method and then randomly designed into tow experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 12 sessions of psycho-educational interventions, while control group was not any treatment. The participants completed Well-Being Manifestations Measure Scale (WBMMS). Data were analyzed by SPSS16 software, using one way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: The results showed that psycho-educational interventions improved psychological well-being experimental group patients compared to control group. Conclusion: Psycho-educational interventions played a significant role in improving the psychological well-being in patients with cancer.
Samira Khani; Narges Babakhani
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 93-104
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the relationship between spiritual growth and perceived stress with happiness, in infertile and Infertility women in Tehran. Method: Society is Include all of fertile and infertile women who were referred to 25 Infertility Treatment Centers in Tehran. ...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the relationship between spiritual growth and perceived stress with happiness, in infertile and Infertility women in Tehran. Method: Society is Include all of fertile and infertile women who were referred to 25 Infertility Treatment Centers in Tehran. Of these centers, the Laleh and Avicenna Infertility Treatment centers selected randomly.The study sample consisted of 106 Fertile women and comparative sample consisted of 105 infertile women were selected by available sampling method,they responded to three questionnaires:spiritual assessment inventory (SAI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI).reliability coefficients of the Tests whit using Cronbach's alpha, respectively, 0/77,0/73 and 0/78 is obtained. Findings: results of the data with the assumption of homogeneity of variance were used of, multiple regression, Pearson and Fisher indicate that In infertile women between spiritual growth and happiness, there is a significant positive correlation And there is a significant indirect correlation with perceived stress (p<0/001).but in fertile women happiness only has significant indirect correlation with perceived stress (p<0/001). Fisher's test showed there is a significant different correlation between spiritual growth and happiness in fertile and infertile women (p<0.005). Regression analysis showed that perceived stress in fertile women is only variable that can significantly predict happiness by 17%. But two variables, perceived stress in infertile women and spirituality together are able to predict 52 percent of the variance in happiness. Conclusion: It seems that the strengthening of spirituality and finding meaning in life through the pain of infertility can reduce perceived stress and increase happiness
Mozhgan Patoo; Abbas Ali Allahyari; Ali Reza Moradi; Mehrdad Payandeh
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 105-118
Objective: Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B) Scale, is widely used to measure health-related quality of life in cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to validate the FACT-B in a sample of Iranian women with breast cancer. Method: The sample consisted of 300 women with ...
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Objective: Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B) Scale, is widely used to measure health-related quality of life in cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to validate the FACT-B in a sample of Iranian women with breast cancer. Method: The sample consisted of 300 women with breast cancer that selected through non-random convenient sampling procedure from oncology hospitals and clinics in Kermanshah and Shiraz cities. They were asked to Persian version of FACT-B scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaire, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life EORTC QLQ30. Confirmatory Factorial analysis of the methods, concurrent validity and discriminative, and Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency of was used. Findings: Internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha from 0.63 to 0.93 for the subscales and 0/92 total scale. Significant correlations between FACT- B and other measures also indicate that this scale has concurrent validity and discriminative. The values of fit indices were also moderate. Conclusion: The Persian version of the FACT-B scale is valid and reliable and, therefore, the scale can be used in research and clinical settings to assess health-related quality of life in Iranian patients with breast cancer to be used.
MohammadMahdi Babaei Menghari; Ali khaleghkhah
Volume 5, Issue 17 , July 2016, Pages 119-134
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate relationship between quality of life and spiritual Health and depression in thalasemia major patients in Amol city. Method: The research Method was correlation. The population was 497 of thalasemia patients. According to the Cochrane formula 100 thalasemia ...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate relationship between quality of life and spiritual Health and depression in thalasemia major patients in Amol city. Method: The research Method was correlation. The population was 497 of thalasemia patients. According to the Cochrane formula 100 thalasemia patients were selected by random sampling method. The research instruments were quality of life questionnaire, spiritual Health questionnaire and depression Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, multiple regression and path analysis. Findings: There is relationship between quality of life and spiritual Health and depression. Regression analysis showed that quality of life and spiritual Health predict thalasemia patients depression. The results of path analysis showed that physical domain quality of life, religious Health and existential Health through mental domain quality of life indirect effect on depression affects thalasemia patients But mental domain quality of life directly affects the impact on thalasemia patients depression. Conclusion: According to the results Quality of life, depression and spiritual well-being of patients with thalassemia can be scheduled to take appropriate measures to prevent depression and improve quality of life and lead to spiritual health.