In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Introduction: The aim of this study is to study the effect of spiritual group therapy on increase resilience in female patients with multiple sclerosis.
Method: This research is of the semi experimental type and research plan is a two-group type with pre- experimentatation and post- experimentation.The population under study consists of 4850 female patients who submitted in M.S assembly of Isfahan that have Relapsing- Remitting MS and 20-40 years old with out pschologycal desease. from this population 30 case were selected based on random sampling method and were placed randomly in to experimental and control groups. spiritual training was given to the experimental group in 10 sessions. The data was analiysed using spss 17 and co-variance(ancova)method. in this research resilience scale (Conner & Davidson,2003) and traiming-therapy pakage of Taghizade and Miralaie were used.
Result: Significant difference were found in resilienc of experimental group after intervention{F=8.04, P-valu=0.0001},There were no significant defference in the resilience of patients in control group between pre-experimentatation and post- experimentation (P>0.05).
Conclution: The spiritual therapy is effective in increasing the resilience of female patients with M.S.


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