In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Objective: The main aim of this study was to examine reliability and validity of Persian version of Chronic Stress Scale (CSS) among a sample of first degree relatives of patients with type II diabetes.
Method: English version of CSS was transformed into a Persian questionnaire after translation and back-translation and then was used among 199 participants of the research. In order to explore test-retest reliability of CSS, 30 subjects answered the questions again, 8 to 11 weeks after first testing.
Results: Internal consistency of CSS in terms of alpha coefficient was obtained 0.87. Correlation coefficients between CSS and type D personality scale, neuroticism subscale of EPQ-RS, depression subscale of DAS, and anger and hostility subscale of SCL-90-R was obtained 0.36, 0.34, 0.38, and 0.30 respectively. Test-retest reliability with 8- to 11-week distance between two testing periods was 0.73.
Conclusion: Based on results of our study, Persian version of CSS has the required psychometric properties for application in psychological studies on Iranian populations at risk of chronic diseases.


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