In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Objective: The purpose of this study was to Comparison of stress sources between obese and non-obese staff of educational department in Karaj.
 Method: Among 4 areas of educational department the first area random sampling method was selected, 50 persons (25 men and 25 women) with consideration  of  factors such as area of residence, educational level , marital status, age and weight were selected. Then we divided them into four groups of obese and non-obese male and females.To measure stress, the stress scale was used Courdon stress scale adult form. After data collection the analysis was preformed through SPSS soft ware.
Results: T - Test result showed that Sources of stress in obese are more than non-obese people. Significant differences between the two groups p<0/001.
Conclusion: Therefore, These findings indicate that the contribution of factors such as quality of life health and personal life, as sources of stress in obesity are effective.


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