In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Objective: This Study used a semi -experimental method as the pretest – posttest and to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-existential group therapy on Depression and Hopefulness of parents with children having cancer.
Method: For this purpose 30 parents with children having cancer (24 to 54 years old) were divided randomly into experimental and control groups. Both groups were evaluated with Beck depression Inventory–II (1996) and Miller Hopes Questionnaire (1988), before any remedial intervention. The experimental group received cognitive-existential group therapy in 12 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes (2 sessions per week), but no psychological intervention was applied in control group. At the end of interventions, both groups were reassessed. Data using SPSS-16 software for statistical analysis of covariance test were analyzed.
Results: findings indicate significant differences in rates of Depression and Hopefulness between the two groups in favor of experimental group.
Conclusion: cognitive-existential group therapy can be effective in decreasing depression and increasing Hopefulness in parents of children with cancer.


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