In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research



Objective: According to the signification of psychological factors causing  physical diseases ,the current study has been accomplished with aim of  comparison between different irrational beliefs and defense styles among the cardiac patients.
Method: Current study has been accomplished in the frame of field independence-comparison approach.238 samples of patients by the age of  20 - 70 who have taken in part in this study were all in Tabriz Shahid Madani Hospital. Those mentioned patients were chosen through with sampling methodology in order to be studied in this field.240 healthy people were chosen  randomly among the patients' companions and the  hospital staffs. These healthy people have taken part in this study by filling out the irrational beliefs{IBT} and defense styles(DSQ) questionnaires. The data of this study was analyzed frequently using the multi-changeable variations and the analyzing of variations tests.
Results: Two groups of cardiac patients and healthy people in relation to irrational beliefs demand for approval,frustration reactive, emotional irresponsibility, perfectionism , immature defense styles, mature defensive styles and  neurotic defense styles are significantly different.(pConclusion: According to the result of this study which is the indication of different sorts of the functions of irrational beliefs, specially in cardiac patients, it is suggested that in  some fields such as: prevention, remedy and physiotherapy not only medical intervention is required but also psychological intervention would be necessary for both cardiac patients and healthy people.


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