In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 M.A in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.


Objective: The number of postmenopausal women worldwide is increasing, and it is expected to reach 1.1 billion by 2030. Menopause can be considered an inevitable stage of life and is associated with physiological, psychological, and social changes. This significant life event can directly and indirectly impact sexual function and quality of life. Increased perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological hardiness can lead to higher sexual function and quality of life. Additionally, there are mediating variables between perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological hardiness that affect the quality of life and sexual function of postmenopausal women. One of these mediating variables is attitudes toward menopause, which has not been studied in previous research in this manner. The present study aims to investigate these relationships. Given the importance of quality of life and sexual function in menopausal women, this research seeks to examine several variables related to quality of life and sexual function in women. In this regard, the mediating variable of attitude is expected to help explain this relationship. Method: This study is applied in terms of its objectives and correlational in terms of its method, specifically path analysis. The statistical population of this study consisted of 368 postmenopausal women (aged 45-60) in Zanjan in 2021. Using a cluster sampling method, a number of health centers were first selected, and then postmenopausal women who met the inclusion criteria were entered into the study using an available sampling method. Results: Of the participants, 186 individuals (64%) were aged 50-55. Additionally, 65 participants (22%) were between 56 and 60 years old, while 42 

participants (14%) were aged 61-65. Regarding education, 10 participants (37%) held a high school diploma, 93 participants (32%) had less than a high school diploma, 52 participants (18%) had a bachelor's degree, and 38 participants (13%) held a postgraduate degree. In terms of employment status, 204 participants (70%) were unemployed, and 89 participants (30%) were employed. Finally, concerning According to Table 1, all Pearson correlation coefficients between variables are statistically significant at a p-value less than 0.05.

According to the results of path analysis, 0.86 of the variance of sexual performance is explained by the predictor variables in the model, and the criterion variable of sexual performance has four direct effects of perceived social support (β = 0.19), mental toughness (19. β=0), self-compassion (β=0.13) and menopause attitude (β=0.13). Also, 0.76 of the variance of the quality of life is explained by the predictor variables of the model, and the quality of life variable has four direct effects of perceived social support (β=0.23), mental toughness (β=0.23), self-compassion. Exercise (β = 0.19) and attitude towards menopause (β = 0.20) were entered. To investigate the mediating role of menopause attitude in the relationship between perceived social support, mental toughness and self-compassion with sexual performance and quality of life, the method of indirect paths was used, and the results are reported in Table 3. Based on the results of Table 3, the mediating role of attitude towards menopause in the relationship between perceived social support, self-compassion with quality of life and sexual performance was confirmed, but the mediation of attitude towards menopause in the relationship between mental toughness and quality of life and sexual performance was not confirmed. Conclusion: The quality of life and sexual function in postmenopausal women is an increasingly important research topic, especially given the growing population of women entering menopause each year. This study examined the impact of perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological resilience on quality of life and sexual function in postmenopausal women, mediated by attitudes toward menopause. Results indicated that perceived social support, self-compassion, psychological resilience, and attitudes toward menopause had a direct and significant effect on the quality of life and sexual function of postmenopausal women. Furthermore, perceived social support, self-compassion, and psychological resilience had an indirect effect on quality of life and sexual function through attitudes toward menopause.


Main Subjects

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