In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 M.A, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Objective: Chronic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, have become increasingly prevalent, posing significant physical, psychological, and economic challenges. Type 2 diabetes, accounting for approximately 90% of diabetes cases, is characterized by insulin resistance and impaired insulin production. In Iran, over 1.5 million individuals are affected by diabetes, a condition associated with a doubled risk of mood disorders. To comprehensively address this complex issue, a biopsychosocial model has been adopted to explain the disease and its contributing factors. Adherence to diabetes treatment (The degree to which a patient follows a prescribed healthcare plan, including taking medications as directed, attending follow-up appointments, and making lifestyle changes) is crucial, yet it varies widely among patients, ranging from 23% to 93%.    Non-adherence is associated with increased health risks and hospitalizations. Furthermore, diabetic patients often experience elevated cholesterol levels, emphasizing the importance of effective management. Psychological interventions, such as Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and evolutionary psychology to foster compassion, helps individuals develop a more balanced and compassionate relationship with themselves and others by addressing underlying fears and insecurities) have demonstrated potential in improving treatment adherence and overall well-being in diabetic patients. Self-compassion, encompassing self-kindness, shared humanity, and mindfulness, is central to CFT and can enhance resilience and self-care. Research has consistently shown that CFT positively impacts treatment adherence, quality of life, and stress reduction. Method:  This research was semi-experimental using pretest, posttest and quarterly follow-up with control group. The statistical population consisted of patients with type 2 diabetes referred to Isfahan Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center in the autumn of 2021 that 46 of them were selected via purposive sampling and randomly allocated to experimental and control group (23 people in each group). The members of the experimental group underwent eight sessions of compassion-focused therapy (two 90-minute sessions per week) and the control group was waiting for intervention. Modanloo Adherence to Treatment Questionnaire (2013) and evaluation of blood lipids by specialist  doctor was done in pre-test, post-test and three-month follow-up stages in both experimental and control groups.  Data were analysed by using Mixed Model ANOVA with SPSS software version 24. Results: The findings indicated an improvement in adherence to treatment (F=36.132, P=0.001) and the balancing of blood lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and HDL) in the experimental group compared to the control group, as well as the stability of the results in the follow-up phase (F=70.306, P=0.001). Conclusion: These results align with both domestic and international research, supporting the role of self-compassion in improving self-care and treatment adherence. By cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion, CFT empowers patients to reduce negative emotions, increase motivation to follow medical advice, and develop effective coping mechanisms. Self-compassion plays a crucial role in enhancing treatment adherence among individuals with diabetes. When individuals cultivate kindness and understanding towards themselves, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and make choices that support their long-term well-being. By practicing self-compassion, individuals with diabetes can reduce feelings of self-blame and guilt associated with treatment failures, which can be a significant barrier to adherence. Furthermore, self-compassion can help individuals develop a more positive outlook on life, which can increase motivation and empower them to take an active role in managing their condition. Despite limitations such as the COVID-19 pandemic and reliance on self-report measures, this study highlights the value of CFT as a complementary approach to diabetes care. By addressing the psychological dimensions of the disease, CFT enhances treatment adherence, Healthcare providers are encouraged to incorporate CFT into their treatment plans to optimize the physical and psychological well-being of diabetic patients. Continued research is warranted to further explore the long-term effects of CFT and its applicability to diverse populations.


Main Subjects

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