In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Health Psychology Association

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.d student in Psychology, Tabriz University.

2 Professor in Psychology, Tabriz University.


Objective: Today, substance abuse has become one of the major problems in societies and has become more prevalent among young people.The aim of this study is to appointment of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) effectiveness in reduction of craving and lapse in methamphetamine addict patients. Method: In this study had been used single-case experimental design in kind of multiple-baseline design in asynchronous manner. Three of male methamphetamine addict patients choose that had come to Welfare Organization and to the Addiction Withdrawal Center in Takab Township by diagnostic interview and structured clinical interview and with purposeful sampling method. The study tools had been used such as Structured Clinical interview (SCID), demographic characteristic questionnaire, urine test, Relapse Prediction Scale (RPS) and Individual Therapy Protocol (ACT).the achieved results considered by methods of visual inspection, reliable change index (RCI), change percentage formula, clinical significance change and operational measurement. Findings: Achieved data showed that acceptance and commitment therapy in treatment's targets intensity reduction (craving and lapse) statistically is in level of (P<0.05), clinically and significance operational measurement. Conclusion: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is effective in intensity reduction of craving and lapse in methamphetamine addict patients. Given that the therapeutic approach increases psychological flexibility in patients, it can be used to treat methamphetamine dependence.


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