Mohammad Ali Besharat; Fahime Tavallaeyan
Volume 3, Issue 10 , September 2014, , Pages 4-17
Objective: Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or transsexualism is characterized by astrong and persistent sense of inappropriateness of biological sex in givenindividuals. Understanding, preventing and treating of this psychological disorderprovides a serious challenge for clinicians. In order to better ...
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Objective: Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or transsexualism is characterized by astrong and persistent sense of inappropriateness of biological sex in givenindividuals. Understanding, preventing and treating of this psychological disorderprovides a serious challenge for clinicians. In order to better understanding ofGIDs, the aim of the present study was to compare interpersonal problemsbetween three groups including transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery(SRS), transsexuals before SRS and normal individuals.Method: Thirty five Male-to-Female (MF) transsexuals (20 transsexuals before SRS,15 transsexuals after SRS) and also twenty normal females participated in thisstudy. All participants were asked to complete the Inventory of InterpersonalProblems (IIP-60).Results: The results revealed that the higher average scores in dimensions ofinterpersonal problems belonged to transsexuals before SRS, transsexuals afterSRS and normal individuals, respectively. The difference between transsexualsafter SRS and normal individuals was not significant in interpersonal problemsscales.Conclusion: Based on these results, one can conclude that sex reassignment surgerymight reduce interpersonal problems of transsexuals.