Ziba Irani Barghi; Mojtaba Bakhti; Mohamad Javad Baghyan; Sojae Karami
Volume 3, Issue 10 , September 2014, , Pages 64-79
Objective: Unfortunately one of the diseases in the present century, which affects theyouths particularly the young girls and women, is the multiple sclerosis (MS).Given numerous numbers of MS patients and importance of identifying effectiveacts to promote their Mental Health, this study accomplished ...
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Objective: Unfortunately one of the diseases in the present century, which affects theyouths particularly the young girls and women, is the multiple sclerosis (MS).Given numerous numbers of MS patients and importance of identifying effectiveacts to promote their Mental Health, this study accomplished to review theassociation between the five factors of personality, Alexithymia and the MentalHealth of MS patients.Method: This descriptive study selected 218 MS patients with simple randomsampling method (157 females and 61 males). In Lorestan Province, Iran. Themeasurement tools were employed included: 1. Demographic Questionnaire; 2.the NEO Five-Factor Inventory- Revised (NEO-FFI-R) 3. the alexithymiaInventory, and 4. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). In this study,Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Correlation Test have been adaptedfor data analysis.Results: The results indicated that some variables such as neuroticism,conscientiousness, difficulty describing feelings and difficulty identifyingfeelings are significant predicators for Mental Health in those who suffered fromMS.Conclusion: These findings indicate that, personality and Alexithymia are almostinfluential factors on MS patients’ mental health. Findings also has importantimplications on the education and mental health’s improvment of MS patients.