Somayyeh Esmaili; Mansooreh Nikoogoftar; seddigheh yaghoobi; raziye nazari
Objective: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the most psychologically affecting cancer among women all over the world. This disease has profound effects on women's various functions in life and causes deep emotional and emotional problems in them. The purpose of this research was to investigate ...
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Objective: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the most psychologically affecting cancer among women all over the world. This disease has profound effects on women's various functions in life and causes deep emotional and emotional problems in them. The purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating role of coping strategies and resilience in the relationship between stressful life events and positive and negative emotions in women with breast cancer. Method: The current research project is a correlational study. The statistical population included all women with breast cancer who referred to the breast clinic of Ibn Sina Hospital in Tehran in 2019-2019. A total of 217 people were included in the study using available sampling method. In order to collect research data, Lazarus and Folkman (1985) Coping Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), Khodayari Fard's Stressful Life Events Questionnaire (2016), and Watson's Positive and Negative Affect Questionnaire (1988) were used. Data analysis was done with SPSS and AMOS software. Path analysis was used to investigate the mediating effect of each of the variables of coping and emotional strategies and resilience on positive and negative emotions. Results: Resilience and coping skills had a significant mediating role between stressful life events and positive and negative emotions. Based on the fitted model (GFI=0.93, CFI=0.920, CMIN/DF=5.4), about 88% of changes in positive affect and 29% of changes in negative affect were explained by predictor variables entered into the model. . The indirect relationship of stressful life events through coping strategies with positive emotion (z = -7.03, β = -0.193)and with negative emotion (z = 4.73, z = 166, 0.001) β = 0.00) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. Also, the indirect relationship of stressful life events through emotional strategies with positive affect (z = -6.57, β = -0.168) and with negative affect (z = 3.27, 0.001) β = 0.093) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events through emotional coping strategies had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. In addition, the indirect relationship of stressful life events through resilience with positive affect (z = -5.36, β = -0.199) and with negative affect (z = -0.002, 3.02) z, β = 0.07) was statistically significant. In other words, stressful life events through resilience had a negative and indirect relationship with positive emotion, and a positive and indirect relationship with negative emotion. Conclusion: Stress management training in women with cancer is very important and training them to use appropriate coping strategies to reduce negative emotions is an important step. Also, educational interventions regarding the promotion of resilience skills after primary cancer treatment are necessary.