Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi
Objective: Sexual health is recognized as one of the important components of human rights in the international community and every human has the right to achieve the highest level of sexual health. Most of the diseases and disorders all over the world are caused by not paying enough attention to sexual ...
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Objective: Sexual health is recognized as one of the important components of human rights in the international community and every human has the right to achieve the highest level of sexual health. Most of the diseases and disorders all over the world are caused by not paying enough attention to sexual health. In this regard, one of the important and effective actions is the design and construction of authentic and localized tools. One of reasons that highlight the applied necessity of this research is the application of this instrument by Iranian couple therapists for detection of clients` strengths and weakness regarding to sexual-marital dimensions. Detection of these dimensions by this scale pave the way for interventional researches in the field of improvement of Iranian marital relationships. Therefore, it is complete necessary to investigate sexual issues even without existence of special disorder in sexual relationships for promotion of quality of couples relationship and prevention of occurrence of disorder in the field of sexual and marital issues. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the construction, validation and standardization of Iranian Sexual-Marital Relationships Quality Scale. Method: The present study was a descriptive correlational study. After scale construction, this research investigated in two separate studies. Statistical population was composed of all volunteer and convenient couples resident in Tehran city. Enter circumstances to sample was included passing at least on year of marital life, participants use of vaginal intercourse in sexual relations, no infection to chronic diseases including diabetes, to be literate, without drug abuse, no existence of acute mental problems and receiving psychological treatments and presenting written consent. Designing and constructing of research was done in three phases. In the first phase, after determining and designing scale subject, definitions of it`s fields represented and sexual-marital relationships investigated. According to theoretical studies and internal and external literature reviews, quality of sextual relations were defined into eight components. In the second phase, according to theoretical bases and professions comments, ultimately 90 items questionnaire was designed and give to experts. In order to investigate of scale content validity, the list of items made available to psychologists and sexual psychologists specialists. Items that received 80% specialists confirmation, remained in list and other items that refused or don`t confirm were deleted. In the third phase, scale conducted on the number of married students and some items were deleted because of weak correlation coefficient with other items. Finally, final scale with 40 items and five-point Likert scale constructed and investigated for measuring quality of sexual-marital in Iranian couples population. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with the help of SPSS-22 and LISREL-8.5 software. Results: In the first study, average age of women and men was respectively 34/26 and 40/75 and average length of marriage was 12 years. In the second study, average age of women and men was respectively 34/97 and 36/29 and length of marriage was 7/5 years. Most of participants in every two studies had Bachelor`s degree and most of women were housekeeper and most of men had freelance job. The results showed that the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha has a desirable fit for the whole scale and each of the factors. In addition, exploratory factor analysis revealed six factors including acquaintance to anatomy and sexual cycles, effective problem solving and communication, dysfunctional beliefs and negative self-talk, emotional-sexual discourse and intimacy, skills in touching non-sexual areas and improving sexual skills that altogether explained 54.6% of the total variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable fitness in determining the factors. Conclusion: The present study showed that the instrument designed in Iranian samples has sufficient reliability, validity and fitness. Therefore, it is recommended that this instrument can be used to measure the quality of sexual-marital relationships in researches and therapeutic interventions.
mahnaz aliakbari dehkordi; seyyede sanaz saeedi; fatemeh eisazadeh; Maryam Aliakbari; alireza monzavi chaleshtari
Objective: The purpose of this research was to analyze the activities that increase the positive emotions of men and women during the quarantine period (due to the epidemic caused by the presence of the corona virus) according to the five needs of William Glasser. Method: The research method in this ...
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Objective: The purpose of this research was to analyze the activities that increase the positive emotions of men and women during the quarantine period (due to the epidemic caused by the presence of the corona virus) according to the five needs of William Glasser. Method: The research method in this study was a combination (qualitative and quantitative) in which quantitative data played a complementary role to qualitative data. The research community in this study were people who chose quarantine lifestyle during the corona virus epidemic. The sampling method in the present study was purpose-based sampling and the sample size was 474 people (309 women and 165 men). In the qualitative part, the data were categorized and coded using the content analysis method. In the quantitative part, spss-21 software was used to describe the data, and the results were coded and analyzed based on Glasser's five needs theory. Findings: Based on the results of the current research, 63 activities were extracted that were more prevalent among people during quarantine. Through these activities, people could satisfy all their needs and in this way create positive emotions in themselves. The inferential analysis of the findings of this research showed that there was a significant difference between men and women in the levels of the need for survival, love and freedom in all the activities performed, and among all the needs, there was a significant difference in the need for power and freedom between age groups. There was a significant difference in the studied case. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present research, it can be suggested that people should do activities that satisfy their five needs while following the daily health protocols, and in this way achieve positive emotions and avoid negative emotions
Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi; Tayebe Mohtashami; MASOMEH TadrisI Tabrizi
Objective: considering the current coronavirus disease pandemic, all experts and people know that the best way to prevent it is to stay at home. In this regard, staying at home requires a new lifestyle, and if people do not follow the principals of this new lifestyle, it may reduce their life quality. ...
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Objective: considering the current coronavirus disease pandemic, all experts and people know that the best way to prevent it is to stay at home. In this regard, staying at home requires a new lifestyle, and if people do not follow the principals of this new lifestyle, it may reduce their life quality. Dealing with this issue, this study is to develop, validity and validated lifestyle scale during coronavirus disease pandemic. Method: The present study was a descriptive-correlational study and a researcher-made questionnaire was administered to 350 (200 women & 150 Men) residents of Tehran through online recall. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha and exploratory factor analysis using SPSS-24. Findings: The results showed that based on reliability coefficient of the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha, reliability of the whole scale (α = 0.77) and each of the factors healthy lifestyle (α = 0.73) and happy lifestyle (α = 0.81) were desirable. In addition, the results of exploratory factor analysis indicated the existence of two factors of healthy lifestyle and happy lifestyle, which explained of 34.6% of the total variance. The standard scores were calculated and the range of scores of the questionnaire factors and total score was divided into three domains: mild, moderate, and severe. Conclusion: This study showed that the designed tool has the required adequacy and can be used in future research. This scale has acceptable reliability and validity to measure this construct in Iranian samples.
Mahsa Ghorbani; Ahmad ALipour; Mahnaz ALiakbaridehkordi
Volume 6, Issue 23 , December 2017, , Pages 151-167
Introduction:There are evidences about effectiveness of positive approach on depression، anxiety and decrease of the negative excitement . This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of interventions of positive approach on depression, self esteem, body image and life expectancy of mastectomized ...
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Introduction:There are evidences about effectiveness of positive approach on depression، anxiety and decrease of the negative excitement . This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of interventions of positive approach on depression, self esteem, body image and life expectancy of mastectomized women. Method: The research design of this study was a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test design and a control group. In this research, women who had undergone mastectomy in Tajrish hospital, Tehran Cancer Research Center were studied and after it was confirmed that they have the required criteria for entering the study and pre-test was performed, 30 of them were chosen by convenience sampling. They were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. After the intervention of the positive approach to the intervention group in six sessions, the post-test was performed and the results were collected and analyzed using Spss software. Results :The results of analysis of covariance showed that positive approach has could reduce depression and increase their self-esteem, body image, and life expectancy. Conclusion: Finally, based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that a positive approach with regards to its specific techniques can be useful in working with mastectom people ized.
M Aliakbari Dehkordi
Volume 4, Issue 16 , October 2015, , Pages 7-18
Objective: Investigations imply that many of children and adolescents have kinds of behavioral problems and disorders. In this case, externalized problems have been distinguished as central problems. On the one hand overweighting prevalence has strongly increased in this age range. Therefore, the aim ...
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Objective: Investigations imply that many of children and adolescents have kinds of behavioral problems and disorders. In this case, externalized problems have been distinguished as central problems. On the one hand overweighting prevalence has strongly increased in this age range. Therefore, the aim of this study is the comparison of externalized behavioral problems in overweighting and normal children. Method: Statistical population consist of all Tehran city elementary students that were selected by cluster sampling; in the way that among education and training sections, section 6 was selected and among schools in this section two male school and 220 students were selected as research sample. Children Behavioral Check List (CBCL) was research tool. Findings: Results of multivariate Variance (MANOVA) showed that behavioral problems have significant difference in overweighting and normal children (p<0/05) and this difference was observed in Conduct and Oppositional Defiant problems, whereas there wasn`t significant difference between Attention Deficiency-Hyperactivity Disorders and Oppositional Defiant problems (p>0/05). Conclusion: According to the results of this research awareness and parents attitude changing is needed in prevention of overweighting and obesity and finally behavioral problems. As deviation of normal weight is related to risky and inappropriate behaviors, on-time interventions and appropriate planning are necessary and effective at childhood sensitive period.