Khadijeh Aerabsheybani; Ezzatollah kordmirza nikoozade; M Agah heris; zeinab baghizade; elham ostadhosseini
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the Effectiveness of mindfulness-based islamic –spiritual schemas on optimism of mothers pregnancy and infants health. The research. Method: was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of this ...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the Effectiveness of mindfulness-based islamic –spiritual schemas on optimism of mothers pregnancy and infants health. The research. Method: was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of this study was all pregnant women referring to health centers in Ferdows in the first half of 1397, which is 492 people. 30 of them were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups of experimental and control groups. The Conscious mind based on spiritual Islamic schema was applied to the experimental group during 8 sessionsThe Life Orientation Test (LOT) and Apgar test were used to collect information. For data analysis, covariance analysis and independent t-test were used. Results: The results showed that the mothers who participated in mindfulness-based Islamic-spiritual schemas were at a higher level than the mothers who did not attend the program and were in the control group. Conclusion: The first and fifth minutes of Apgar scores in the infants of mothers who participated in mindfulness-based Islamic -spiritual schemas were higher than those of the mothers who were not present in the program and were in the control group. In general, it can be said that the mindfulness course based on the spiritual Islamic schema has been effective in increasing the optimism of pregnant women and has increased the optimism of the participants in this course. With inner peace, the practical application of calling spiritual experience and familiarity with the concept of mindfulness and its implementation, which the researcher presented to the experimental group during his training sessions, was related. By placing people's beliefs, spirituality affects important cognitive evaluations in the coping process and helps a person to evaluate negative events in a different way and creates a stronger sense of control and causes people to be optimistic. Mindfulness exercises, by increasing people's awareness of the present moment, through techniques such as paying attention to breathing, paying attention to the body, and directing awareness to the here and now, have a positive effect on the cognitive system and information processing, and create optimism in the person. He said that the effect of the mother's psychological processes on the growth and health of the fetus is very broad, comprehensive and important, because the mother's mental state is greatly affected by the emotions of the intrauterine state. And this is the cause of many emotional and developmental differences in babies. According to this research, the fetus is affected by the mother's hormonal changes and goes through its growth stages, and the mother's stress causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, or the stress hormone, and has a negative effect on the health of the fetus. For this reason, it is recommended that expectant mothers have more physical and mental rest during this period in order to have healthier children.
Masoumeh Kazemi; M Agah heris; Mohammad Jalali; ezatollah kordmirza
Objective: The aim of present study was comparison of the effectiveness of autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation on pain and cardiac enzymes in women with chest pain. Method: The current research was a pre-test-post-test experiment with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The ...
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Objective: The aim of present study was comparison of the effectiveness of autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation on pain and cardiac enzymes in women with chest pain. Method: The current research was a pre-test-post-test experiment with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The statistical population included all women with chest pain in Karaj city in 1400. The sampling method was purposeful and 60 patients with chest pain were selected in Shahid Rajaei Karaj Hospital and were placed in three groups: autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation treatment and control group. Autogenic training consisted of 12 sessions for 90 minutes and progressive muscle relaxation intervention included 8 sessions for 2 hours. To evaluate research variables MC Gill pain intensity and pain catastrophizing were used. Troponin and creatinine phosphokinase kit (CPK-MB) were used to measure cardiac enzymes. Data analysis was done using covariance analysis and post hoc test. Findings: The results showed that progressive muscle relaxation is more effective in reducing pain compared to autogenic training (P<0/05) and there was no significant difference between autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation on cardiac enzymes (P<0/05). Conclusion: Considering the greater effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation on pain reduction, it is suggested that relevant experts use progressive muscle relaxation to reduce the pain intensity of patients with chest pain.
M Agah heris
Objective: chronic low back pain is a complicated situation in which psychological factors are involved and it predisposed a person to chronic disability and failure respond to common treatments. The aim of this study was comparison of effectiveness of Autogenic Training and Affect Regulation Training ...
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Objective: chronic low back pain is a complicated situation in which psychological factors are involved and it predisposed a person to chronic disability and failure respond to common treatments. The aim of this study was comparison of effectiveness of Autogenic Training and Affect Regulation Training on cognitive emotion regulation of women with chronic low back pain. Method: The research method was quasi experimental with pretest, posttest with control groups. 60 females with chronic low back pain who run to pain clinic, those are desired to participate to this research, 33 were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly divided into three groups of 11 each. The instruments of research were including the complete package of ART and AT and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Findings: The result showed reduction of cognitive emotion regulation scale, and its subscales (self and other blame, rumination, catastrophizing, acceptance). Conclusion: Both intervention seem to be effective by making physiological and biochemical changes in body through the same mechanisms that leads negative emotions regulation in patients with chronic low back pain.
Farzaneh Shajari; Alireza Aghayousefi; Mojgan Agah heris
Objective: Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world that not only costs a lot for different societies, it also has significant psychological effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of coping therapy on self-control and HbA1c among female patients with type II diabetic. ...
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Objective: Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world that not only costs a lot for different societies, it also has significant psychological effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of coping therapy on self-control and HbA1c among female patients with type II diabetic. Method: This study was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design with a control group. The statistical population of this study included all diabetic female patients who have been referred to Resalat Medical Laboratory in Tehran. Subjects were screened using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample of this research was 23 persons, who had diabetes and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Data were collected using Tangney's Self-Control Scale (SCS) and Three-Month Blood Glucose Test HbA1c before and after protocol implementation. Coping Therapy was conducted during 8 sessions in the experimental group while the control group did not receive any treatment. Findings: The results of repeated measures analysis of variance showed that the intervention of the Coping Therapy was effective in decreasing HbA1c level (P <0.05), but it did not affect self-control. Conclusion: According to the research findings, Coping Therapy is an effective method to reduce HbA1c levels in diabetic female patients biomarkers (HbA1c) in female diabetic patients. Therefore, it is suggesting to be used this intervention in diabetic patients.
avisa najimi; mojgan agahheris; karim asgari
Objective: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has The most burden of deseas among physical illnesses. CHD is one of the chronic illnesses that the physiological and psychological factors have interactions in development and maintanence of it. So modifying and eliminating of it risk factors is essential in ...
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Objective: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has The most burden of deseas among physical illnesses. CHD is one of the chronic illnesses that the physiological and psychological factors have interactions in development and maintanence of it. So modifying and eliminating of it risk factors is essential in the treatment of CHD. Hence, The objective of this study was comparing the effectiveness of two types of training including autogenic relaxation with positive self-talk and emotional regulation on affective control among patients with cardiovascular disease. Method: This study was an semi-experimental study and pretest-posttest-follow up design with control group and using convenient sampling method,45 female volunteers with CHD disease were selected and randomly assigned into three groups. The experimental groups were instructed the protocols of each intervention. All the subjects filled out the affective control scale prior to, after, and 1/5 months later thanthe end of each intervention. Data analysis were analised by applying repeated measures analysis of variances and Tukey's follow-up test methods. Findings: Findings revealed that both interventions could significantly modify the affective control (P<0.05), but these two groups didn`t have significant fifferencer (P>0.05). Conclusion: Enhancement of the affective controlcan be achieved through the both training by instructing their special techniques. So, The practitioners could apply these interventions in combination to medical treatments for controlling the CHD symptoms.
shahnaz nouhi; masood janbozorgi; mojgan agah haris; Avisa Najimi
Objective: In creating weight problems in children and adults, individual differences in several dimensions of eating and eating style have been indicated. In this study, standardization, validity and reliability of the children's eating behavior questionnaire were examined. Method: This questionnaire ...
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Objective: In creating weight problems in children and adults, individual differences in several dimensions of eating and eating style have been indicated. In this study, standardization, validity and reliability of the children's eating behavior questionnaire were examined. Method: This questionnaire consists of 35 questions that include eight factors affecting eating behavior (food enjoyment, food responsiveness, food sensitivity, relaxation, satiety response, emotional overeating, desire to drink, and less). Measures emotional eating. The subjects were 325 elementary school students who were randomly selected for multi-stage cluster sampling. To investigate the validity of the questionnaire, the exploratory factor analysis method was analyzed by analysis of the main components and Cranbach's alpha method was used to investigate the reliability. Findings: The findings of the factor analysis section showed that by factor analysis, questions and rotation of results are revealed by warimax method of eight components, the number of these components obtained and also the questions that had a high factor load with these components. To a large extent, it is consistent with the findings of the authors of the questionnaire. Conclusion: Due to the strength of the structure and having appropriate psychometric apecifications, the final questionnarie had the capability to be used by researchers.
mojgan agah haris; Nahid Ramezani
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease, that mental - cognitive factors are involved in the creation and continuity of the problem. The aim of this study is comparison of personal characteristics and anxiety sensitivity in people with and without Psoriasis. Method: By using ...
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Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease, that mental - cognitive factors are involved in the creation and continuity of the problem. The aim of this study is comparison of personal characteristics and anxiety sensitivity in people with and without Psoriasis. Method: By using casual-comparative research project and available sampling method among volunteers, 130 people with Psoriasis and 130 people without Psoriasis were selected. All subjects answered to NEO five-factor inventory items (NEO-FFI) and anxiety sensitivity indexes (ASI-3., Taylor et al., 2007) and demographic information in one session. Results: The results showed that personality traits in people with Psoriasis in scale of openness to experience are different from people without Psoriasis ,and the mean of anxiety sensitivity in people with psoriasis are significantly (p
Nazila Khatib Zanjani; M. Aghahheris
Volume 4, Issue 15 , October 2015, , Pages 75-86
Objective: The Internet addiction among students in university is one of the modern addictions in modern societies. The purpose of this research was to compare of five-factor NEO personality traits among non-addiction and exposed to addiction students in Garmsar. Methods: This research was a comparative- ...
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Objective: The Internet addiction among students in university is one of the modern addictions in modern societies. The purpose of this research was to compare of five-factor NEO personality traits among non-addiction and exposed to addiction students in Garmsar. Methods: This research was a comparative- causality study. The statistical population included all male and female bachelor`s degree students in Garmsar university during 2013 that 286 subjects were randomly selected by multistage clustering. Data was collected by two questionnaires including Yung`s Internet addiction test and the short form of five-factor Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Findings: Data analysis revealed a significant difference in non-addiction and exposed to addiction students between the personality traits of extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness (p<0.05). So the participants of exposed to addiction groups have less degree than non-addiction students. Conclusions: Three personality traits of extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness are less in exposed addiction students than non-addiction groups. So, exposed to addiction students because of introversion have less agreeableness with others and reported less conscientiousness, so they spent much time on internet.
Elham Mosavi; Ahmad Ali Pour; Mojghan Agah Heris; Hossin Zare
Volume 3, Issue 10 , September 2014, , Pages 47-63
Objective: This research was conducted to assess the effectiveness of LEARN stressmanagement program on reduction of perceived stress and worry among femalestudents of Payame Noor University in Tehran.Method: For this reason, among volunteers who their scores in perceived stress scalewere one standard ...
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Objective: This research was conducted to assess the effectiveness of LEARN stressmanagement program on reduction of perceived stress and worry among femalestudents of Payame Noor University in Tehran.Method: For this reason, among volunteers who their scores in perceived stress scalewere one standard deviation more than average (M=27.26, SD=8.32) and so theywere realized stressful, twenty- six participants, regarding to exclude- includecriteria were selected and randomly assigned into two experimental and controlgroups. All participants filled out all of the items of perceived stress scale andPennsylvania state worry questionnaire prior to and after LEARN program toexperimental group.Results: Data analysis by using repeated measures method revealed that perceivedstress and worry significantly improved among participants of experimentalgroup in comparison to control group (pConclusion: Therefore, LEARN program by its components could affect the stresscycle in different aspects, and led to stress and worry reduction.
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Volume 2, Issue 7 , November 2013, , Pages 21-31
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigating the effectiveness of emotional eating intervention on modifying emotional eating and weight management in obese and overweight women. Method: With convenient sampling method, among female volunteers who were eligible to participate in research regarding ...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigating the effectiveness of emotional eating intervention on modifying emotional eating and weight management in obese and overweight women. Method: With convenient sampling method, among female volunteers who were eligible to participate in research regarding to include-exclude criteria, 22 participants were selected and assigned randomly in to two groups (experimental and control groups). Prior to and after conducting the intervention, all participants of two groups filled out the items of emotional eating scale and their anthropometric characteristics were measured, too. Results: data analysis by 16th version of SPSSand applying independent t test revealed that emotional eating intervention could modify emotional eating (anger, anxiety and depression) and weight reduction significantly in experimental group compared with control group (pConclusion: This intervention could reduce the weight and modify emotional eating by regulating emotions, correcting sabotage beliefs about eating and eating and cognitive restructuring, among people with emotional eating.
M Agahheris; E Mousavi; M Janbozorgi; Z barghi Irani
Volume 2, Issue 5 , June 2013, , Pages 34-47
Introduction:The reliability and validity of exercise self- efficacy scale (ESS) and its relationship to weight efficacy lifestyle and body mass index among overweight and obese individuals was investigated in this study.Method: Using convenient sampling method, 343 participants with BMI≥25 eligible ...
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Introduction:The reliability and validity of exercise self- efficacy scale (ESS) and its relationship to weight efficacy lifestyle and body mass index among overweight and obese individuals was investigated in this study.Method: Using convenient sampling method, 343 participants with BMI≥25 eligible toexclude- include criteria were selected among students in Payam Noor university of Semnan province. All of them completed the items of exercise self- efficacy, and weight efficacy lifestyle questionnaires, and their anthropometric indices were measured, too. Results: Applying 16th version of SPSS internal revealed that that internal coefficient with alpha's Cronbach for exercise self- efficacy was 0.93. Calculating correlation coefficients to WEL, and body mass index were significant (p
M agah heris; A alipour; M janbozorgi; E mousavi; SH noohi
Volume 1, Issue 1 , November 2012, , Pages 68-80
Abstract Aim: This study aimed to comparing the effectiveness of life- style modification and cognitive group therapy to weight reduction and improving the quality of life. Method: Hence, among volunteers to interventions, 26 participants regarding to exclude- include criteria were ...
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Abstract Aim: This study aimed to comparing the effectiveness of life- style modification and cognitive group therapy to weight reduction and improving the quality of life. Method: Hence, among volunteers to interventions, 26 participants regarding to exclude- include criteria were participated on this study randomly assigned into two groups. All the items of quality of life and overweight: the obesity related well- being questionnaire were filled out by all the participants prior to, 4 months, and seven months later than onset of the interventions, and their BMI were calculated, too. Gathering data were analyzed by 16th version of SPSS, and by applying repeated measures method. Results: Finding revealed that both life- style modification group therapy and cognitive group therapy significantly reduced BMI and improving quality of life (p<0.05).